Thursday, May 27, 2010


Pool Party!! Day 3 of Grandmama Camp and everyone is ready to go swimming. Only one problem...the pool party was rescheduled for June 10th and Grandmama didn't read her email stating the change! Can you believe it? So...not to be outdone, I call my son and ask permission to take the children to their own pool. My daughter Mary Ellen and grandson James joined us and Plan B turned out to be Fabulous!

Lots of splashing, giggling, diving, jumping, sliding, flipping, cannon balling, snacking, and all out fun! Little Scott and I paddled around while James showed off his swimming skills with his Mama. That little stinker has so much therapy in the pool, he has learned to swim at age 2 1/2!

After 2 hrs of pool fun, we had a picnic lunch and headed home. Four little heads barely hit the pillow before snoozing off to la la land. What is it about swimming that makes you so hungry and sleepy in that order??

So...tomorrow is Friday and only a half day of Grandmama Camp. Mama Jenda gets to come home at lunch so Camp is dismissed at 11:30. The children are going to paint special picture frames to commemorate Camp Grandmama 2010. Each frame has a special wood cut out to signify a special interest: Ryan/Green frog, Clay
/train, Emma Grace/princess crown, Scott/crocodile, & James/Dinosaur.

Summer begins, camp is out and I have 6 weeks of free time...Hmm??? It's going to be terribly quiet around here...I have so many projects to either complete or get started. I'm missing the kids and they haven't even left yet!

Next stop...St. Louis Childrens' Hospital and James's SDR surgery. I'll talk more about that in the upcoming days. Just know that James will need your intense prayers for this life changing spinal surgery that will hopefully give him the opportunity to walk independently. James was born premature and was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. He is loved beyond measure and expected to do great things with his precious little life. Stay tuned...


1 comment:

  1. Just found your lovely blog, happy thoughts for a sweet weekend! xx


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