Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saving Thanksgiving

Saving Thanksgiving

I'm grateful to be guest blogger this Monday over at Stash Manicure hosted by Madame Samm. 
SEW many creative and talented gals who will treat you every morning with a fresh perspective, new tip, great tutorial, or new inspiration for your Quilting habit or perhaps all things crafty!

I've taken a break from Thanksgiving Countdown 2010 
in order 
to Ponder just a moment of WHY I'm THANKFUL this Thanksgiving Season
 I've also made a CONSCIOUS decision FOR 2010 to not allow Christmas to SUPER-CEDE my THANKSGIVING!  I've not put up the first Christmas Decoration or even the first stocking on the Mantle.
Everything is 100% Thanksgiving inspired.


NOT UNTIL the last of my family has driven out of the driveway, the TWO turkeys eaten or made into turkey salad, 
the laughter faded,
the last piece of pie eaten, 

the last sip of coffee taken, 
 the last football game watched 
the last prank pulled by the 5 little Pranksters Extraordinaire, 

  the Trash taken out

will the Autumn decorations come down and the Christmas Wreath Hung!


This very American Holiday has always been one of my favorite times of the year and it's celebration only heightened the sense of excitement for the UPCOMING Christmas Season!!  There is NO such "thang" as "THANKMAS" !!

I have way to many Blessings to allow MY THANKSGIVING to be taken away from me in 2010!

Sew there you have it!! 

Family begins arriving on Wednesday afternoon and the baking begins in earnest!  

New art supplies have been purchased to help entertain the Grandpeeps.
 After all, how will we save Thanksgiving if we don't keep it for our Children and Grandchildren??!!
How can we begin to TEACH GRATITUDE if we SKIP over THANKSGIVING and go straight to Christmas with it's growing commercialization???

I'm so Thankful for my new friends in Blog Land.  This adventure in Blogging has brought me great JOY and a way to preserve the many precious memories created by with my family.

For those of you in America, Many Blessings to you on this Thanksgiving Season.  Our country is a Great Nation, one in which I am very PROUD to be a citizen.


I couldn't help myself...I just HAD to add a little Maxine Humor into the MIX


  1. Thank-you sooooo much for recognizing the Thanksgiving holiday. I thought I was the last rebel when it came time to celebrate the holiday. When the boys were little I use to tollerate no christmas talk until after thanksgiving. I don't want to hear about what you want. I want to hear all the things you are thankful for. Maybe it's because we didn't always have a lot to give. But I would like to think that it's more about recognizing all the blessings one does have.

  2. Yes! I'm so glad we're kindred spirits, Jane!! I pray you all enjoy a marvelous Thanksgiving!! :)

  3. I enjoyed your post over at Stash Manicure and followed you back here. Looking forward to future quilt therapy sessions together as I reflect on the quilt I am making my ailing step father. Your are so right about the stories a quilt tells!!

  4. I love, love, love this post! I don't have any Christmas decorations up either - I'm lovin' on Thanksgiving first. blessings, marlene

  5. I have found you from Stash Manicure - and will be back often!!! No, no decorations for me either - Thanksgiving has always been my absolute favorite holiday!! I have soo much to be thankful for, as the Lord has truly blessed me. Thank you for a beautiful post!! hugs!!

  6. I too have had blessings and sorrows and quilting has been my saviour. My grandson who is now three was born blind. After my daughter spend five months in the hospital to have this little guy we were happy she made it to 35 weeks and delivered him by c-section but we found out a day later that he was blind. He is the joy of my life and such a joyous happy little boy at nearly four. These children are a special blessing given to us by God because we have lessons to learn and they sure do teach us so much.I make him many quilts and although he can't see them he loves to cuddle with them and now he sits on my lap and sewings. Thankyou for sharing with us. Blessings Sandra in Canada

  7. Thankyou for the encourageing words. I too, am a grandma who loves to quilt and make things for my family. There is not greater joy than to give. Thanks also for mentioning the Lord, who without, we would have no blessings to speak of. Thanks for sharing your stories with us. It is such a blessing to connect with others who love to quilt and love the Lord.

  8. You are welcome for the comment on Stash Manicure. Your comment on our site got posted in Diane's box so I wasn't able to reply. I like your blog. I am with you; enough of this speeding up the holidays. Let's enjoy each one as they come.


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!