Monday, January 10, 2011


Madame Samm Rescues Struggling Blogger
Boring Blogdome
It is not often that you get rewarded for being BAD!! OLD  BLOG DESIGN was SOOOOOO BAD, that an APB (all points bulletin) was issued and the cavalry came to my rescue in the form of MADAME SAMM!!!!!!!!!
(Insert SQUEALS of DELIGHT!!) 
 How can I ever thank you enough Samm for this beautiful new design that just screams Grandmamas Stories??!!  And PINK???  How did you know???  I know, I know, you say it "channels" you but I say you have ESP or a spy camera.  
Anyone who knows me knows my love of PINK.
  The lovely "young woman" posing as Grandmama is wearing her hair like I used to wear my hair many times when it was long (and much younger!)  She's writing about her family which is SOOOO ME!!  The phrase below the circle is my new Motto so to speak and I just love it too!!  I love it all!!!!!!!!

This will be my second time writing this post because "something" happened and it wouldn't post.  Then when I went back to it, more than half had not been saved.  
 Maybe that little red message that said error had occurred when saving meant something???
Am I pitiful or what??
I'm sure the first post was much better than this one but I'm so anxious to get a new post up PRAISING MY NEW BLOG DESIGN, that this one will just have to do.

I'm still in shock....I came in from a wild morning of sledding with the Grandpeeps in our 10 inch snow!!!  

This much snow is rather historic and the kids were going nuts when the PHONE RINGS!!
RRRRRRRRRRRRR....RRRRRRRRRRRRRR...CLICK  OH NO< I pushed the wrong button and disconnected the caller from some strange number.
"Hello, Jane, This is Madame Samm."  Stop right there, did she say Madame Samm?????
Well, the lovely voice on the other end of the line proceeds to tell me that she wants me to open my email and take a peek.  I'm sure I must have done that but I don't remember...I'm still in shock at this moment.
I open up this link that reveals the design you are looking at right now.  Do I like it, she asks????  DO I LIKE IT????  DO FISH LIKE WATER???  DO FRIES LIKE KETCHUP???
NO, I don't like it, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!!

A couple more phone calls, some technical talk, and my family quietens down...AND I finally catch my breath long enough to really LOOK at my new design and realize just how DEAD ON, Madame Samm was in depicting ME in the NEW Blog Design!

So folks, that's it...that's the story behind my new Blog Design.  The moral of this story?  If you put up a Blog that's REALLY REALLY BAD and IF you have Quilting Blogger Friends, they WILL have an INTERVENTION for you!

Madame Samm

A SPECIAL Thank YOu gift will be winging it's way to your Doorstep
*wink* * wink*

Gmama Jane


  1. Hi Grama Jane ~ I love your blog! So cozy and pink looking. Madame Samm is a miracle worker, I think.

    Enjoy the surprise snowfall you have down in Alabama! We don't have that much here in MI, but more is expected tomorrow. I'm sure your grandchildren are loving it! Not too much fun to drive on though!


  2. WOW! Wonderful rescue here...isn't she wonderful? and so talented? Glad you are enjoying the snow, it is snowing here in Missouri, but we do not have 10 inches on the ground...yet.

  3. You look so pretty in pink here!! :) What a blessing to have an experts help!

    I still have to figure out the "button thing"...and quite a few other things on my blog!!! I am glad that bloggers tend to be a group of patient people!! :)

    My daughter just sent me some video of their snowday in Georgia (where she lives). I hope you are enjoying the snowday, if you are having one too...:)
    Blessings to you,
    xoxo Gloria

  4. Well now, isn't this so beautifully a lady with her pinky out, drinking tea in a beautiflly flowered cup....just gorgeous, love it!

  5. your blog looks just wonderful, warm, and inviting..just like a Grandma! Christel

  6. It's lovely, such a wonderful welcoming banner! blessings to you!

  7. You lucky girl! I think Madam Samm did a wonderful job, the new design looks great!

  8. Oh it looks simply fantastic! Pink is my color too. Samm did my blogover as well. It is ever so much nicer.. She is just the sweetest. I just don't know HOW she does it. I was convinced she was psychic in some way as well, because I didn't think I even knew myself as well as she did. It turned out simply amazing! I'm so excited, that I think I am wanting to blog more.. not that my life is all that exciting.. LOL.. and to quilt more. I'm trying to make a gifty for her as well, I just have 2 surgeries to get thru, so it may be a little late in arriving to her.

  9. Wow!!! This new banner is just gorgeous!!! I love it!!! Hugs Ariane

  10. Love the new LOOK! we grandma's do have FUN?!

  11. Oh your blog looks so nice. Enjoy your new look, you wear it well.

  12. From one Jane to another, how lucky are we that we had "bad" blogs and how lucky are we there is a Madame Samm. It looks wonderful!! Enjoy!

  13. Oh wow congratulations!!! Madame Samm does beautiful work. I have been watching her for some time. I know the feeling when you hate to type on your blog becuase it is drab, mine is that way. But look at you now. It is beautiful enjoy is lovely.

  14. Oh it's perfect! It's a wonder to me how Madame Samm seems to hit the nail on the head every time - well, you know what I mean. :) Don't you love the lady/grandmama. I always wanted to wear my hair like that but never had enough hair. :) Congratulations on the new look! blessings, marlene

  15. Sometimes it really does pay to be bad! :) Your blog is beautiful, now I hope you enjoy, enjoy!! More time for storytelling when you don't have to fight the blog :) Congratulations!

  16. Contgratulations on your new banner, what a wonderful makeover! Madame Samm is a truly awesome lady!

    Enjoy your snowy playtime, I understand it's headed this way (DC) but we've dodged the bullet a couple times already - maybe it's all that hot air coming from Capitol Hill.

  17. Wow congratulations on a beautiful blog! Madame Samm surely is amazing!

  18. I hoped over here from Madame Samm' blog. What a nice blog title. Wonderful!!

  19. Oh it is so wonderful, and I mean Madame Samm is too. She did a little re work on my header and it is wonderful. Enjoy your new look!

  20. Thanks to everyone for the sweet comments! I'm so grateful to be a Grandmama and Quilter with the best Blogging friends as an extra bonus. Now that I have this awesome banner, I will blog with pride! I hope many of you will come back to visit and see the new projects I have in mind. Now that I'm not fighting my blog, I will have more time to quilt, sew, create, etc...God's blessings are infinite and come in the most unusual packages
    Gmama Jane

  21. Love the new look, but as a teacher, I am stopped by the run-on sentence under the blog name. Just one little period, please?

  22. Jane.....Madame Samm has worked her magic again. How does she do it??????? I have this big empty space between my ears...when it comes to computers, DVD players, and the modern TV's that you can pause the show and go back and watch it again if you missed the lines the first time.... it's all way over my head. After reading your profile....we have a lot in common. I love love love to hang my sheets on the permitting I'd do laundry 5 days a week.....and one of my neighbor always said I had the neatest clothes line. All the socks were paired up and heels facing the same way...I luv dishes, vintage fabric,coffee in the morning and tea in a china cup after dinner....and enjoy shopping at thrift stores and garage sales and I've always wanted a big front porch with a rocking chair...One thing I'm not and that is a camper no no not a camper. Aren't the grandpeeps wonderful...I've been blessed with 3. Come visit my blog and become blogging buddies. I'm a new follower....#38.

  23. what a great new look-)lovely-)

    thank you visited my blog, i didnt know where i find your blog, dont remember,

    have a lot of sucsess

    xoxo, Krisztina from Hungary

  24. Great new look, so clean and uncluttered and easy to read!


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!