Tuesday, January 25, 2011

UFO #1

January Projects
UFO #1
Teacher Quilt for Grandson's 2nd Grade Teacher 
P.S  Ryan is in 3rd Grade!
Mrs. Appel...your quilt is on it's way and should be completed By Valentine's Day!

I may be just a "little" behind but since Mrs. Appel is a friend, she has been very patient.  Last year, I was a Guest Reader for Ryan's 2nd grade class.  I read a book about a little girl's Grandmother moving from her home to a retirement community.  To ease her Grandmother's loneliness, the Granddaughter and Mother made a quilt from the Grandmother's & other family member's old clothes.  The discussion with the children was priceless when they began to tell stories of being homesick or stories about their own Grandparents.  Their little hearts are so tender and empathetic at the age of 8-9 yrs. old.
Each child's hand-print was traced and cut out along with the Teacher's and Principal's hand-prints.
The Frog print handprint belongs to my Grandson due to his obsession with frogs.
Since these pictures, I have now finished the zigzag stitch around each handprint (which was only my second attempt by machine to do applique.)  I used Heat n Bond and the Zig Zag stitch.  I did OK but was scared to death every stitch of the way.  By Block 19 I had the process down.

I like the way the sunlight came through my sewing room window when I took the picture below.

MUG RUG  (Belated Christmas Gift)

MUG RUG  made from Moda's "Maison something something"...my mind has drawn a blank and I don't want to walk upstairs to look it up.  I Love these colors!!

I plan on making a set of placemats with this fabric line to keep for myself!

Below is a picture of the Block of the Month Quilt I joined sponsored by a local Quilt Store.  We could choose to go a different color direction so I chose these Civil War Document fabrics...a First for me!

I do not claim any photographic abilities...that gene went to my middle daughter..so forgive the quality of my pictures, especially when trying to show you the beautiful Civil War fabric I just bought from "The Fat Quarter Shop"
I love to see my UPS man drive up my driveway when I am expecting fabric orders!!
I'm going to use this CWar fabric in making the blocks of the above quilt and then I'll figure out my sashing and binding when I put the finished blocks up on "ye Ol design Wall"

Considering that I begin Weight Watchers next week, I thought I would share a chuckle with you! 
I feel this way when I see the Hot Sign lit up at the Krispy Kreme Store and my car involuntarily makes a turn and goes right into that KK Drive-Thru

Gmama jane


  1. I love the quilt! I do a lot of machine applique and often use the zigzag stitch but more often the blanket stitch. It takes a while to get the hang of corners but I love the look. Maison de Garance is the fabric...I know because I'm making a quilt out of a layer cake of it right now and I just made my quilt wrap out of a jelly roll of it. :) Love those colors! And I've been doing Weight Watchers off and on for a year now. On when I'm at home and off when I'm on a mission trip. I've lost 21 pounds and I love the new points plus program. I have a great cake recipe I'll send you if you want it. blessings, marlene

  2. Thanks for the chuckle! That's a lovely Block of the Month quilt, can't you see it made in tropical colours with a bright turquoise background......the hand print quilt will, I'm sure, be gratefully received and loved.

  3. Your quilt turned out amazing! Beautiful job!

    I had to chuckle at your comment about not wanting to take a walk upstairs to look at the name of your "MUG RUG" Moda fabric...ha! My laptop is upstairs, but my fabric is downstairs!! SO I have the opposite problem..lol. My dear hubby has a big weakness for the donuts! Mine is homemade chocolate chip cookies, or homemade fudge! We really don't have a KK near us. They sometimes have been delivered to Walmart, but it is not like getting them straight from K.K. They don't taste like the ones we have had when visiting my sister in N.C., or daughter in GA!! So, that might be a "good" thing, I guess??!! lol


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!