Monday, February 28, 2011

QuiltFest in Pigeon Forge, TN

This Sewing Fairy will be trekking up to Pigeon Forge TN next week!!!

Monday, March 7-11th, Mon-Fri.

Not only do I get to attend quilting classes but I'm reconnecting with an old High School friend I haven't seen in 40 years!!!!  Due to Facebook, Gina and I reconnected and found out we share a passion for sewing/Quilting!!

SEW, when she mentioned her planned trip to Quilt Fest in March, I signed up ASAP.  I even got #1 Hubby to agree to come along as my chauffeur.  He will entertain himself by fishing in the Pigeon River behind our Hotel while I'm taking 4 different classes during the week. Of course, I have plenty of free time built into my itinerary...time to shop, attend some shows, and sight see....AS WELL AS CHAT WITH AN OLD FRIEND!!

Take a Look See, 
here is my new Diet Plan which should work well for the hills of Tennesse!  I would normally forget about dieting on vacation but since #1 Hubby's Diabetes numbers didn't come back with a good report today, I guess it means we will be eating responsibly next week.  I don't intend to be a widow if I can help it and I sure don't want to see #1 having to begin taking insulin shots.  He has done so well the past 8 yrs and has avoided taking shots.  Both of us need to lose weight...YUCK! is such a vice for me!


I am having Camera troubles and in fact, it may have died!  I'm thinking that Grandson Scott may have taken one too many "say cheese" pics.  I had just taken pics of my kitchen vintage linen finds at an antique store over the weekend.  I love tea towels from the 50's and embroidered napkins, aprons, etc..and I was so ecstatic when I found some genuine articles.  Some were not the real deal but I liked them anyway and that's all that matters to me.  If I like an item and the price is right, I buy it regardless of the authenticity. 

I probably will not post until I get back from Quiltfest!!  I'm hoping my camera issues can be resloved so I can bring back a plethora of Quilt Fest Pictures!
It's time to take a break and spend quality time with #1 Hubby and an old friend.  People and relationships are the most important thing in our lives.  Last week brought home the importance of relationships and telling those you love they are important to you before it's too late.  

Please pray for a blogging friend from *Count it All Joy*, who lost a newborn Grandchild this past week due to a tragic cord issue one week past her daughter's due date.  My DIL lost her elderly Grandfather (complications of West Nile Virus, if you can believe that!)and another dear dear friend is losing her battle with a brain tumor.

Therefore, I'm taking this next week to reconnect, meditate, quilt, and enjoy some early Spring time in the Smokey Mountains.

Gmama Jane

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sewing Mends the Soul

Where have I been???  
Sewing & Quilting in my "GMama Cave"!
Here are some projects I'm working may recognize the hand quilt.  This will belong to my Grandson's teacher from LAST YEAR!!  Ryan and I laughed this afternoon when I told him it was looking like he would have grandchildren before I got this quilt to his 2nd grade teacher!  

It's a little moment, but I love when Ryan and I have those times we laugh at something together... especially if it's one of my many *mistakes* that turns into a *STORY*.  Heaven only knows that is the reason behind this blog! 
I love it even more when I learn from a teacher or friend that Ryan talks about his Grandmama at school... even if it is at the expense of my dignity!!! I remember back when I was teaching and how I loved to hear the stories children would tell about their Grandparents.  I couldn't wait to be one of those Grandparents who made memories in the lives of their Grandchildren.

My next project is the BOM I'm stitching for my local quilt shop, Patches & Stitches.  Remember how I was not cool with my color choices?  Well, I rearranged my "theme" fabric and bought some black & gold documentary fabric and I'm liking it much better.  The pictures don't do the colors justice especially the rich black & gold.
I wish I took better pictures but alas it is what it is!  I will not be getting a new camera anytime soon since my next purchase will be a new sewing machine.

HOWEVER...I was so excited!  Talk about COINCIDENCE...which by the way I DON"T believe in because I think it's God just being ANONYMOUS! 
I was invited to be a Guest Reader by a former colleague to read to her class.  Not just anything mind you...but "Pink and SAY" one of my favorite books by author Patricia Pollaco. 
The book is a true story from the CIVIL WAR about an injured White boy being rescued by an African American boy after a major Battle. A REAL tear -jerker so be warned! I HIGHLY recommend this book from age 4th grade and up if you want to leave an impression on your children or Grandchildren about the scourge of prejudice.  
How appropriate is it that I be piecing together a Civil War quilt??... wanted to stop, but the Quilt wouldn't let me...or should I say, Pink & Say, wouldn't let me!  I'll be reading in a 4th Grade Class on Thursday Morning as part of Black History Month AND their study of the Civil War.
One other small sewing project is a Mug Rug made from a UFO Block I found in the bottom of a drawer filled with bits and pieces of old quilting projects.  Do you have any of those??  Well, now I can make a lot of those solitary blocks into Mug Rugs and have an instant gift!  Voila!

Check out my little yo-yo's in the corner!  Their real purpose??? To hide a badly mitered corner!

Mug Rug given to daughter for a BFF Valentine gift! 

MY Valentine gift to a special friend, Marlene, from Stitching at the Lake.  Check her out, she is such a Jewel, lovely quilter/seamstress, and all around wise lady!  If I knew how, I would make a link up to her blog but I haven't learned that little trick as of yet?  Any quick tutorial advice out there?

OR...Did I send this Mug Rug to Marlene??  Someone PLEASE help me...I'm certifiable! Good Grief, I can't remember SQUAT.  All you young chickies out there, don't laugh, because old age happens to the Best of us when we least expect it!

that's what I've been up to for the past week.  What have you been up to??

I'm thinking I will have  Give-Away the first week of March since March 6th is my Birthday!   I like to reverse the Birthday tradition this year and give gifts!  I'm thinking it will be a pretty apron for Spring!  Don't you just love a pretty apron?  I'm participating in an apron swap so I'll just make TWO and give one away HERE at Grandmamas Stories!
Gmama Jane

Sunday, February 13, 2011


to all my friends & family
I want to share some powerful words I read on Sunday that I think will not only 
put the WIND back in you SAILS

from God's Word - in Isaiah from The Message (modern Bible Translation)

God doesn't come and go. God lasts.
He's Creator of all you can see or imagine.
He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch his breath.
And he knows everything, inside and out.
He energizes those who get tired,
gives fresh strength to dropouts.
For even young people tire and drop out,
young folk in their prime stumble and fall.
But those who wait upon God get fresh strength.
They spread their wings and soar like eagles,
They run and don't get tired,
they walk and don't lag behind. 
Spread your wings and soar like an eagle on this Valentine's Day 2011 
Gmama Jane

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Why do I procrastinate??  
I mean, really...what pleasure do I derive from putting things off to the very last minute and then rushing around like a chicken with it's head cut off?  Oh yes, AND... I'm almost always late..not more than 10-15 minutes mind you...but late never the less...LATE!

  Dr. Phil remarked on his show that people who procrastinate or are habitually late, receive some sort of reward for their behavior.  I don't know what my reward is even though I've tried very hard to figure it out.  I have some hunches but that is for later.

Like my MUG RUG??  This is the one I entered in the Mug Rug contest on Sew We Quilt @Stash Manicure with the wonderful Madame Samm.  When do you think I completed this entry?  The cut off date was Feb. 4th mind you.  Yep, Feb. 3rd and then I couldn't get my camera to work so I could take a picture and send in.  Good Grief!  SEW...the EVENING of FEB. 4th my entry was emailed through cyber space just in the nick of time.

I love a Black and Pink color combo and especially Black Toille!  I think it is so "girly" and elegant.  Each mug rug was supposed to reflect who WE were as a person yet for some reason I couldn't help from making it to reflect the blog moderator, Madame Samm!  Perhaps it is because she has been so gracious in giving me a blog make-over or so kind to others on the blog that I had her on my mind.  Whatever the reason, this is what I came up with.  I think this mug rug may just wing it's way towards the Canadian Tundra to a very special person...what do you think, ladies??
Coffee, Tea, or Thee

Now, for Procrastination project #2
Here is some Civil War Reproduction/Documentary fabric for my BOM sponsored by my local quilt shop, Patches and Stitches.
This is the BOM Quilt displayed at the Patches and Stitches...however, I'm going with a totally different color scheme in that I'm using Documentary fabrics.    I saw some samples and thought they were so different from anything I had color scheme (very muted blue grays and browns), different blocks, totally DIFFERENT. 

The first TWO blocks are due this Saturday and when do you think I will have mine done??  yep, I'll probably be stitching it as I, I promise, I won't do that.  But, I can bet it will not be finished before Friday night!  I STARTED cutting it out last night thinking I could knock out  the entire block  by bedtime.  NOT!!  NCIS was on last night and I LOVE that show.  I'm thinking I got distracted by that AWESOME episode ( yes, we have DVR but I was sucked into the story line and couldn't leave it) I have trouble, like I always do, when I start a new project.  

Do you have Beginner's Block??  
I can't explain it, but I have difficulty getting something started.  I will work all around getting started but actually taking the first stitch seems to be something I PROCRASTINATE upon.  Especially if I have just completed another project, I have a REAL problem with getting started on a NEW Project.  Is this something only I deal with??  It keeps me from creating more quilts/projects.  I would love some constructive criticism or advice as to how to FIX this little foible in my personality???

SEW..for now, I'm hoping to finish Block #1 Tonight and show you tomorrow.  That will put me on a deadline which seems to motivate me somehow.  Then I HAVE to cut out and finish Block #2 by Friday morning (Hopefully). I work best under pressure and a given deadline.  Free time *discombobulates*

# 1 on My To Do List for TODAY 
I must get my Valentine Mug Rug mailed to My very good Blogging friend, Marlene, *wink* *wink*

I WILL be back's all about Accountability you know whether it's Daily Bible reading, paying bills, sending encouraging notes, calling a sick or sad friend, fixing a leak, sewing on a button or losing's all so much easier if you have a friend to lift you up, hold your hand, tell you, "You can do it!", and holding you (Holding ME) ACCOUNTABLE!

Remember old fashioned Valentines like this one?  It's called "Vintage" now but it looks like the ones I used to get from my parents.

Gmama Jane

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Seasons, Butterflies and Lizards

Today's post is born from a heavy heart...a burden for my child shouldering the weight of the world as she raises a special needs child...a child with a life long handicap that has been determined to be the most expensive handicap a child can have.  A handicap that causes many marriages to fail, and families to split apart under the stress.

God created the seasons of the year but I like to think there are seasons of the HEART as well.  I am going through a season of feeling powerless...having to step back and watch the people I love most in this world bear burdens I would gladly bear myself.  A season of  wanting to step in and take control when life is out of control...wanting to take the pain away or at least kiss it and make it better.  It worked when our children were little but now we can only sit back and watch our grown children bear the burdens heaped upon them and want once again "to kiss it and make it all better".
If only a kiss would make it all better, I would fill their world with butterfly kisses, raspberry kisses, big sloppy kisses, kisses upon kisses
IF ONLY................................................

My precious Grandson James got new braces today.  Forrest Gump kind of braces...the kind of braces that SHOUT to the world I HAVE A HANDICAPPED CHILD/GRANDCHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
His mother, Mary Ellen, and my oldest daughter, simply wasn't prepared for the Institutional Look of these new braces.  In the past, James' braces have been tempered with cool shoes, cool colors, blinking lights in the soles of the shoes, and even stickers.  No amount of stickers are going to make these puppies look cool. 

The reason for the braces however, is to correct the right foot from turning in at a severe angle.  Every option has been tried and nothing has worked.  James even has to wear some sort of "cables" at night when he sleeps???!!

These new braces involve a metal ring around the waist covered in leather and a flexible pole going down the side of his leg.  I will have to post pictures so you can see how "lovely" they are.  HOWEVER, we know in our head  the Braces are necessary to reach James' goal of *Independent Walking"!!  Our hearts just haven't caught up as yet.
Today this smile was replaced with tears and fear of the unknown...on the part of ALL of us!  Will the Braces work?  Will his foot alignment be corrected?  How long will he wear them?  What happens if they DON'T work??  These are all questions we have no answers least not on this day...maybe 3 months...6 months...1 yr.  down the road, we'll have some answers.  Will MORE Therapy be the answer???

  My prayers are for my daughter to have the physical and emotional strength to WALK this journey with James.  I'm thankful for Josh and his support as her husband and father to James.  I would not want her to walk this path as a single Mom!!

It's these days of NOT KNOWING how everything is going to turn out, having to walk in Faith,  having to Keep On Keeping On even when the spirit is down, finding strength when the soul is weary and having to sit on the sidelines cheering from the bleachers.  I want to comfort but don't have the words.  I want to offer wisdom but feel ignorant in the face of such overwhelming obstacles.

I am reminded that my daughter is still the same child who at age 3 picked up a lizard and when I told her to put it down because she might get bit, put her little spunky hands on her hips and with finger pointed, told me "Now you just go back to your Cross Stichin and I"LL handle this lizard.
If Only this was just a Lizard, sweetheart........................................................................................

My Prayer, Dear Lord, is that while in a cocoon of love, the best medical attention available, physical,speech, & occupational therapy, and good teachers, you will allow James to grow, strengthen, and prepare for the miracle of becoming a Butterfly.  Help us through these dark days when all we have is our Faith in YOU.