Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Why do I procrastinate??  
I mean, really...what pleasure do I derive from putting things off to the very last minute and then rushing around like a chicken with it's head cut off?  Oh yes, AND... I'm almost always late..not more than 10-15 minutes mind you...but late never the less...LATE!

  Dr. Phil remarked on his show that people who procrastinate or are habitually late, receive some sort of reward for their behavior.  I don't know what my reward is even though I've tried very hard to figure it out.  I have some hunches but that is for later.

Like my MUG RUG??  This is the one I entered in the Mug Rug contest on Sew We Quilt @Stash Manicure with the wonderful Madame Samm.  When do you think I completed this entry?  The cut off date was Feb. 4th mind you.  Yep, Feb. 3rd and then I couldn't get my camera to work so I could take a picture and send in.  Good Grief!  SEW...the EVENING of FEB. 4th my entry was emailed through cyber space just in the nick of time.

I love a Black and Pink color combo and especially Black Toille!  I think it is so "girly" and elegant.  Each mug rug was supposed to reflect who WE were as a person yet for some reason I couldn't help from making it to reflect the blog moderator, Madame Samm!  Perhaps it is because she has been so gracious in giving me a blog make-over or so kind to others on the blog that I had her on my mind.  Whatever the reason, this is what I came up with.  I think this mug rug may just wing it's way towards the Canadian Tundra to a very special person...what do you think, ladies??
Coffee, Tea, or Thee

Now, for Procrastination project #2
Here is some Civil War Reproduction/Documentary fabric for my BOM sponsored by my local quilt shop, Patches and Stitches.
This is the BOM Quilt displayed at the Patches and Stitches...however, I'm going with a totally different color scheme in that I'm using Documentary fabrics.    I saw some samples and thought they were so different from anything I had color scheme (very muted blue grays and browns), different blocks, totally DIFFERENT. 

The first TWO blocks are due this Saturday and when do you think I will have mine done??  yep, I'll probably be stitching it as I, I promise, I won't do that.  But, I can bet it will not be finished before Friday night!  I STARTED cutting it out last night thinking I could knock out  the entire block  by bedtime.  NOT!!  NCIS was on last night and I LOVE that show.  I'm thinking I got distracted by that AWESOME episode ( yes, we have DVR but I was sucked into the story line and couldn't leave it) I have trouble, like I always do, when I start a new project.  

Do you have Beginner's Block??  
I can't explain it, but I have difficulty getting something started.  I will work all around getting started but actually taking the first stitch seems to be something I PROCRASTINATE upon.  Especially if I have just completed another project, I have a REAL problem with getting started on a NEW Project.  Is this something only I deal with??  It keeps me from creating more quilts/projects.  I would love some constructive criticism or advice as to how to FIX this little foible in my personality???

SEW..for now, I'm hoping to finish Block #1 Tonight and show you tomorrow.  That will put me on a deadline which seems to motivate me somehow.  Then I HAVE to cut out and finish Block #2 by Friday morning (Hopefully). I work best under pressure and a given deadline.  Free time *discombobulates*

# 1 on My To Do List for TODAY 
I must get my Valentine Mug Rug mailed to My very good Blogging friend, Marlene, *wink* *wink*

I WILL be back's all about Accountability you know whether it's Daily Bible reading, paying bills, sending encouraging notes, calling a sick or sad friend, fixing a leak, sewing on a button or losing's all so much easier if you have a friend to lift you up, hold your hand, tell you, "You can do it!", and holding you (Holding ME) ACCOUNTABLE!

Remember old fashioned Valentines like this one?  It's called "Vintage" now but it looks like the ones I used to get from my parents.

Gmama Jane


  1. Jane I confess I don't work well under pressure. When I was in college I always did projects the day they were assigned even if they weren't due for a month! Often by the time I had to give a report I had forgotten what I wrote the darn thing on. :) As I get older I do put things off a little more than I used to and I don't like it when I do, but it happens. I find my self not signing up for swaps because I don't want to have something happen and be late so I am thankful to have done this swap with you. It got me out of that rut! blessings, marlene

  2. Jane I am a procrastinator too and it drives me crazy but I just put things off till I am under the gun. I love NCIS too and hate to miss an episode. Someone called me last night just as it was starting and so I missed most of it. Oh well summer reruns. Love your mug rug, I tend to not join things anymore because I am so slow comes with the arthritis I guess. Blessings Sandra

  3. Love the mug rug, what fun! Must admit to being a procrastinator and I must be sisters under the skin.....but my stumbling block is cutting the fabrics to start a project. Have no trouble gathering the fabrics together, and no trouble with the design, but comes tome to take that first cut and it's a different story. Once they are cut sewing them together is the fun part.

  4. Hmmmm....being a retired teacher, also, I'm wondering if we work well under pressure because we HAD to work well under pressure in that profession?? LOL I do love your mug rug.....very clever one. Good luck in the contest! (I've not yet made a mug rug...still procrastinating on that one.....)

  5. procratinator - extrordinaire!! that's me! i really don't believe that a procratinator receives any reward - unless "punishment" is a reward. (sorry, Doc Phil). For me, it's usually fear that the finished project(s) won't meet the high standards set, either by myself of what i think others have set. If i can lower the standard just enough to get the fire started under me..........then i can start to finish.


  6. Your mug rub is absolutely gorgeous!! I procrastinate as well. First I think the thing to death and then wait till the last minute to make something. I think sometimes we do our best work when we just have no time left and go do it. Blessings!

  7. I love your mug rug! It really reminds me of my youngest daughter Beth. This is her style all the way!! :) She is the mommy of our newest grandbaby, Sophie. And, by the way she is doing wonderfully. Growing like a weed! Thank you for asking about her!

    I am a procrastinator myself! I am a bit like Renee also (Sewn with grace), to where I think the thing to death! lol I love how she worded that! lol I get so excited when I look at art (or anything crafty I want to attempt), then when it comes to doing it like I see I get a little intimidated and overwhelmed with too many ideas in my head that sometimes I stand still in my tracts. Not a good thing!
    I read a blog called: Kristyn Knits. She talks about how she has found if she "JUST BEGINS" she can tackle the project. My problem is I have no problem beginning (several projects at one time), I just have problems actually finishing all of those projects!! I think I lose interest and the motivation after I start many projects. Can I say that is A.D.D.????? who knows?? I do think I find I work better and complete things under pressure though!!!

    Blessings to you for a beautiful weekend,
    Gloria xoxo

  8. I adore you mug rug, something I've been putting off doing! LOL I know how you feel, from one chicken to another! :) I'll be posting about my next apron swap soon so watch for it so you can get signed up, glad to have you! Your blog is lovely!

  9. Haha, Jane! I've always been a procrastinator! If I don't have a deadline racing at me, I may not finish. Sad but true. I *love* your mug rug -- too cute! Pink & black is a favorite combo of mine, too. When are you and Roger gonna come exploring up here at MACOBA??! Hugs! :)


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!