Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Vintage Kitchen Linens




I have your email addresses so I will email for your mailing address!!
There will be some nice *tuck-in* surprises.
Thank you for reading my blog and participating in my very first Give-Away!!

 What Have I Been Up To In MY Sewing Room??

Come back tomorrow for more pictures! 
I've been quite busy with my "Quilts for Hugs" project and the MANY donations from YOU, my blogging friends.  Some have sent just Quilt tops and I've been able to personalize the quilts to give to babies!!

I've been busy Building a Playground!! 
Yep.... a Community Built Playground to the tune of $185,000!!!

We Raised the money in 18 months and built the actual playground in FIVE DAYS!!!
Last week, the concrete was poured and through-out the summer, landscaping will continue.

WHY ME???  Why Work so Hard on a Playground?
My Handicapped Grandson, James, can now swing and play along side other children his age even though he uses a walker!  This playground is handicapped accessible and meets the requirements set forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act.to allow children to have access to playground facilities!!!!



  1. Thats sooo wonderful that they places are starting to have play areas for children with disabilities...you are wonderful to help!!!

    and...nope...I've not grown up yet. I tell my grandkids that I'm an 8 year old in a "granma-body"! =)


  2. Hi Jane did you use that special ground covering that feels rubbery and the children can't hurt themselves if they fall off anything. It is really neat and I worry less about Jonah and Konnor falling. I have become such a child since I have been having Jonah for three days a week. I don't think I even played that much with my own kids.

  3. Actually, Sandra, the surface you're talking about is not the product of choice for accessibility which was a surprise to me. There is a special kind of mulch that over time becomes compacted and provides a safer surface and yet allows wheelchairs, walkers, etc to glide over top. The key is having the right AMOUNT of mulch plus a specific amount of gravel for a base to allow drainage. I think there is something like 6-8 FEET of mulch!! It is very expensive and most playgrounds if using this product skimp on the amount thus negating its safety properties. My daughter researched in depth what product to use as mulch and still be approved by the ADA. I was like you and thought the tire rubber product was the best and safest. I think Mary Ellen said something about it getting too hot and burns being reported. This playground even has a two sandboxes..a regular kind and one that a child in a walker or wheelchair can use!! I would have never thought of that. We need to exchange one of the tot swings for a smaller size but that is an easy fix. As you can tell, I'm really proud to have been a part of this playground and excited of the impact it will have for years to come as we are having more and more "NICU" babies surviving but with various disabilities.

  4. Wow, I'm excited that I won. I love vintage linens. How fun. I will blog about my prizee.
    Your questions for your interview are these:

    1. When did you come to believe in Jesus? Tell your story! (as long or as short as you like) :-)
    2. Who has influenced you in your spiritual walk (family, friends, mentor, pastor, authors, etc.)? In what ways?

    3. Is there something in your history that you would change if given a chance to?

    4. What's a vice in your life? Any virtues? ;-D

    5. What is the most embarrassing moment you can remember that you can share?

    6.If you had a free Make-a-Wish for yourself what would it be?

    I look forward to your answers.
    I look forward to seeing you at church!
    Be blessed!

  5. Congrats to the winners. You'll have to show playground photos!


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!