Wednesday, July 6, 2011


come in the strangest of packages and often when least expected!

Today, I received a package from UPS..a battered and torn package even though it was clearly labeled
A Water color painting of my childhood home!  I was speechless as I tried to explain it's value to my UPS delivery man.  I know...I'm friends with the UPS man...hey it's the south...everybody knows everybody.  To his credit, he was disturbed over the condition of the package and wanted to know if any severe damage had been done to the contents.  Other than a little crease, all was well.
But Oh My Goodness! many times do you open a package and look at a beautifully drawn watercolor painting of your childhood home???

My High School Art Class. "painted" my house every spring right after the tulips bloomed.  MY Dad had a major Green Thumb and he planted special tulips purchased directly from a grower in Holland.  He even had a BLACK Tulip. It was pretty spectacular and colorful on a street of Victorian and Georgian Architectural Homes.  Don't think my home was anything special because most all the homes in my small hometown were old with tons of character.  My Dad simply had a way with growing things that made our yard a year round sight for Sunday Drivers and High School Art classes.

Karen was a star art student back in High School (1969-1971)and when we reconnected on FB a few years back, I happened to think that she MIGHT still have one of the drawings taken of my home.  
Disappointed when she told me NO, I forgot about it. 
Then, a few months ago she messaged me that while looking through her "stuff" she had found a watercolor painting of my home.  
Being an accomplished artist and art teacher in her own right, she apologized for the simplicity of her High School drawing.  
Again, I forgot about it 

The Painting is BEAUTIFUL
I plan to have it framed and hung in a place of honor!
Thank you 


  1. How sweet! What a lovely and thoughtful gesture. I know you will treasure it! :)

  2. What a pleasant surprise for you!! It is a wonderful painting!

  3. What a wonderful blessing it is to have a picture of your childhood home! Mine was no where near as pretty or as large but still it would be nice to have a picture to remember it by. blessings, marlene

  4. Beautiful gift...what a treasure!

  5. What a beautiful and sweet gift that is! I know you will cherish it...:)

    I am catching up on my blog reading. It looks like I have missed some yummy food views here too...YUM! Today is my dear hubby's birthday. When he gets home (in a few minutes) we are headed out to get a bite to eat. I think his choice is Chinese. Your food views in the previous post look so much better!! lol

    I will have to come back and visit when I have more time. I hope you are having a great summer!


  6. What a beautiful picture and how wonderful that you were able to get it. You will have to post a picture after you have framed it. Will write soon.Love and blessings Sandra


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!