Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Camp Grandmama and P.R.A.I.S.E.

I want to share some pictures from Day 1 of Camp Grandmama here on the Farm.  School begins next Monday for the kiddos but #1 DIL is a teacher and since teachers went back today the Grandpeeps are with Grandmama all week!  Camp Grandmama is full of play, crafts, storytelling, golf-cart driving/riding, swimming, movies, books, ice cream, snacks, and simply sitting on the front porch or backyard swing.  By the way, this will be the start of my 3rd school year as an officially RETIRED TEACHER!!  I loved teaching for 30 +yrs. but have no twinges to return.

Tonight was also the first of Awesome August Monday Nights which is a novel way of having REVIVAL.  For those of you not familiar with the term Revival as used in the Southern Baptist vernacular, Revival is a series of worship services outside of the usual weekly services designed to "revive" the church and the individual "heart"...sort of a "jump start" if you will spiritually speaking!  Our speaker tonight was truly awesome and I want to share some ADVICE he gave since I think it is the kind of advice that spans time, age, goals, pursuits, and/or situations. I'm going to try and illustrate each point with some pictures from Camp Grandmama.  I'll get back to my sewing room next week once the three older Grandpeeps are back in school and it's just me and the *Scottmeister*
"I picked a pretty flower for you, Grandmama!"

In today's world of instant gratification, fast food, high speed Internet, flashdrives, instant oatmeal, movies on Demand, drive-thrus, etc...it would seem like we all could use a moment to S.L.O.W. Down, tune-out, turn-down, and tune-in to some down home simple advice derived from the Book of Psalms.  Let's use the acronym
P = Purpose & Prioritize   
You can apply these rules to your daily schedule, your job, your hobby (Quilting for most of us)and all the various relationships we have in our lives. Here the children are working together to air up a swimming pool and must delegate jobs to make it all come together.  I insert myself as little as possible.  Everything we do must have a purpose.  Prioritizing something as simple as who pumps the handle and who holds the bottom of the air pump determines success or failure! Of course there's always that One Person who sits on the sidelines and observes while everyone else does all the work!  Check out the *Scottmeister*  Can we say *Sidewalk Supervisor* ??
Things that are worthwhile, take a Really Long Time.  No Instant Gratification here!  Seeds were planted in April and May to achieve the Bountiful Harvest the Grandpeeps are gathering on this hot August morning.  Yes, Camp involves some work too!  Just as in LIFE, a good work ethic, the patience, fortitude and perseverance to see a job through till it's completed is a valuable life skill. I also think of my Quilting and how long it sometimes takes me to go from design to completed Quilt and the pride that comes from each one.  The same goes for raising children or working on a solid husband/wife relationship. Both take a Really Long Time when done well!


The Apostle Paul said "to be content in whatever state I'm in."  Of all the values I've learned in life, this one point has perhaps been the most powerful and influential on my current state of mind. As I watch my Grandchildren find the joy in picking simple zinnias from my garden I feel Blessed and a sense of purpose.  I am Content.
 Focus on What is Praiseworthy

Ignore all the "negative" stuff that doesn't really matter.
Only Pick the ripe tomatoes...leave the green tomatoes on the vine and throw away the tomatoes with bad spots, cracks, or disease.  Good advice for people too??!!
Push Delete when negativity creeps into your thoughts, actions, and speech.   Trash In...Trash Out!

Each Zinnia is Different...One of A Kind
Just Like YOU!! 
Isn't that one of the reasons we Quilters Love Quilting so much??  
Each Quilt is one of a Kind 

Be an Encourager...People will flock to be around you!
Speak a Word of Encouragement Today to Someone Around you...Family, Friend, Child, Spouse, Coworker,
You're the Best!!
You are God's Creation, One of a Kind, the Best!
Look what was given away Monday 
in the
Wantobe Quilter's Campaign!!
Tuesday is for Quilter's Giveaway
Dash over HERE
Make a Comment
Say you're from Grandmama's Stories
Be a follower of My Blog AND Stash
That's it!!
M-W-F is for Wantobe Quilters'

I'm Giving this book away on Thursday
be a follower of BOTH blogs...make a comment


  1. I would love to have this book - Quilting is truly a joyous endeavor - Thank you for the giveaway - Take care ;)

  2. Good truths to remember, thanks for sharing. I love a good revival:>) Looks like a great week witht he grands too. I just commented on Stash manicure, keeping my finger crossed for us both!

  3. What a lovely acronym! I must say it pricked this heart of mine. Thanks for sharing.
    Next time there is a "Camp Grandma" would you please put me on the sign up! Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Love that you have a sweet memory from your trip to Montana!!! Enjoy this day the Lord has made.


  4. This was a wonderful post...many good things to remember!

  5. What a beautiful post and I loved the pictures of the grand children,they are so precious. Thanks for your words of encouragement and I promise to do what you suggested. I have already been to Samm's and posted. Talk soon. Blessings

  6. What a great post! I can't wait until my grandkids are old enough that we can do a camp. This is the second blog I've read where a gramma does this, and I think it sounds like a ball of fun!

  7. I loved this blog! It is awesome! I love the pictures of the grandchildren. They are awesome to a Mimi and a GMama, huh? I miss my grandson so much. He starts kindergarten in a week or so. It doesn't seem real. As you know, I am a follower of your blog and of Sew We Quilt. Love them both.


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!