Sunday, August 14, 2011

School Days School Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days....

First Day of School Anthem
School Days, School Days,
Dear Old Golden Rule Days...
Fun with Dick and Jane
I'm still waiting to quilt this


Talk to the tune of a Hickory stick
You were my Queen in Calico, 
I was your bashful barefoot beau,
When we were a couple of kids...

Take a look at some old photos of Schoolhouses
from the past...
Not only have the buildings changed
but everything about the education system has changed
unfortunately, not all changes have been for the better.
One thing that has not changed is based on my firm conviction that 95% of
Teachers truly CARE about their students
and spend an enormous amount of time getting ready
for that 
First Day of School
the first day of school was met with butterflies in my tummy and a new box of 64 Crayola Crayons
on my desk.  I wore a new outfit and usually new shoes just as I had as a child.  My mother always made sure I had a new outfit for the first day of school.  
As I look at these photos of old school houses, I wonder at the stories, lessons, events, and relationships that were celebrated within these walls.
AAHHH...if Only Walls Could Talk....................

This one is in New Jersey and  still used as Administrative Offices today
Most often the School and the Church were the same Building as in this Picture above.
These look like rather well dressed children, don't they?  Wouldn't you love to know who these people are/were and what life brought into adulthood.  Did they go to war?  How many had children, grandchildren? Who became famous?  Who married who?  Who became the politician of the group, the doctor, the dentist, the miner, carpenter, store clerk, newspaper man, owner of the town diner, owner of the Blacksmith shop, who owned the first car, ....SOOO many unknowns.  I love to look at a picture like this and begin imagining 
answers to many of my questions.  Without question, these children became part of what is known as "The Greatest Generation".  What will OUR/YOUR Generation be known for??
Mine is defined by Woodstock, the Beatles, and the Vietnam War.
Food for thought as a new school year begins in some places across the country from NOW through September.

One tradition that began with my mother and has been handed down to my children and to my grandchildren is the singing of the song, "School Days".  My sweet Mama would come into my bedroom singing School Days on the first day of EVERY School Year!!!  I sang it to my children all the way through High School even into College.  I would call my college aged child on the morning I knew their classes began and whether they will admit it or not, each one anticipated that cheesy call from their mother singing,
"School Days"
and currently............
I call each Grandchild on the first day of school and sing School Days even though I usually find out their mother or Daddy has already sung the First Day of School Anthem !
I Pray that each of you will have a successful School Year with your children and/or Grandchildren whether they attend Public School, Private School or Homeschool. 
As a Reading Coach and mentor of teachers I used to challenge them to Teach Bell to Bell. For every 5 minutes wasted (out of an 8 hr. school day) 2 days of instruction are wasted by the end of the school year (based on a 185 school year calendar). I wanted each teacher to feel an URGENCY in what they were doing.  Those children DEPEND on them to TEACH them what they NEED to know so they can be productive and successful adults.
Come to Think of it, we could all ponder that little statistic as it applies to our lives outside of the classroom.  For me, retirement has meant a lot of what I call "down' time in the past 3 years. I believe it's time I get my MOJO revved back up, get more sleep so I can get more accomplished during the day!
I have many Quilts to make before I Sleep, Quilts to make Before I Sleep (to borrow a theme from the great Poet Robert Frost who said, "I have Miles to go before I sleep, Miles to go Before I sleep."
Gmama Jane



  1. What wonderful pictures of those old school houses! Many children would have passed through their doors, that's for sure.

  2. I went to a country school(2teachers,50 kids,8 grades) The old schoolhouse is now a pretty house that looks nothing like the school. I hace the Dick and Jane material but didn't know what to do with it. Thanks

  3. What a wonderful tradition Jane - love that! blessings, marlene

  4. Jane
    I actually made it before the clock struck midnight and it was Tuesday!
    I enjoyed your post.
    You have to feel for teachers today with so many children coming from
    such unloving and undisciplined homes. Poor dears.

  5. Hi
    I stopping by for Wedn. drawing!
    Hope your doing well!


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!