Saturday, September 24, 2011

Prayers and Thoughts Needed

 I've been off grid a bit the last few days and I'm so grateful for those of you who have emailed with your concerns.  I'm overwhelmed with the care and concern shown by the Quilters I have come to know here on my blog and through Sew We Quilt.
I will need to be off grid for a bit longer due to some family issues. 
My sweet 82 yr. old MIL fell this past Thursday night and is in the hospital.  She has no major injuries other than a broken tailbone and general weakness.  She is losing the will to live and since I live next door to her and am home all day, it will be up to me and my little sidekick to care for her when she comes home and while in rehab for the next 21 days.

I also have a critically ill Uncle in NC who has been more of a father to me than my own while growing up. #1 Husband and I will more than likely be traveling to NC in a few days for his funeral unless Divine healing occurs.  However, My Uncle Lacy has expressed his desire to go home to be with his precious wife, My Aunt Shirley, who passed away 6 yrs. ago.  She was 14 and he was 17 when they married...a true love story if ever there was one.
So...I'm going to leave youwith some pictures from our last year's Fall Birthday party for Grandson.  Our family loves to party outside here on the farm.  I love the simplicity of the surroundings and the children and Grandchildren have a sense of tradition with the family gathering together for fall meals outside, campfires in the backyard, watching the tractors and combines cut the corn fields, soybean fields and pick the cotton.  
 Be sure and check out the tricked out Golf-cart aka..The Boo Mobile!!
Talk with you in a few days...I'll catch everyone up on MRI part 3 and 4!!  Trust me, it's worth the wait!!

Granddaughter helped decorate the tables.

The bald patches are from lack of rain and dogs digging in the dirt.

This Birthday Cake was Over the Top
but then Daughter #1 does everything over the Top!!

Keep us in your Prayers my sweet friends.  Talk with you later


  1. Dear Jane I have been off computer for a couple of days and was sorry to hear about you losing your uncle and about your friends fall. It is so bad when they have a fall at that age because they never seem to really recover. My prayers and blessings are with you my dear friend. Safe drive and hope hubby is o-kay

  2. Prayers for your family and loved ones in need. Wishing you strength as you go through this part of lifes journey.

  3. Sorry to hear of the family difficulties and pray that all works out for the best...and that God gives everyone the strength to face whatever lies ahead. The pictures of your family gathering are very nice......looks like it's a great tradition for all and hopefully it continues for many more years.

  4. Bless you in the busy-ness of your life these days... prayers for strength in the coming weeks!

  5. Sweet Jane, that's a lot to be dealing with right now. I pray that your family finds some peace and that God's will be done for your family. I know He's just wrapping His divine hands around your family and keeping you close to Him right now.

  6. Jane I know this is a difficult time for your entire family....isn't it wonderful to know that at times like this our dear Heavenly Father walks by our side and our dear earthly friends lift us up in prayer! You know I love you and my heart hurts for you but you are strong and you will do what needs to be done with joy in your heart despite the tears you will need to shed. It's such a blessing to know that you have had these wonderful influences in your life and that when they move to Heaven you will have the confidence that you will see them again. I'm praying for strength and grace for you all. blessings, marlene

  7. Praying for comfort and strength for you and your family during your difficult times.

  8. Praying for your strength and comfort, and for your loved ones as well.

  9. So sorry to hear about your family members.....old age can bring blessings, but it can also be a terrible burden for those who have to carry it daily.

  10. I am so sorry for all that you and your entire family is going through at the moment. These things are never easy. Know that the entire quilting community will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

  11. You and your family will be in my prayers. The Lord is sufficient....of THAT I am sure!!

  12. You have had a rough time! You'll be on my prayer list.
    Take care,

  13. Looks like a wonderful fall celebration. Our family also loves to celebrate at our house in the woods. Held our youngest daughters wedding here in our back yard this summer. I will be thinking of you and keeping your family in prayer. Have a blessed Sunday.

  14. Jane, I am sorry to hear about all the family issues you are having. I can say that I have been there and done that. I took care of my MIL for a while she suffered from COPD. She was bedridden the last few months at home, so I stayed with her at night while my FIL worked out of state. Joe and I have lost all of our parents and step-parents. It hurts, but we have to go on despite the pain. I will be thinking and praying for you. Take care and let us know how everything goes. I've been missing you!

  15. It never rains, but it pours! My prayers go out to you and your family and my hopes are that all is back to normal for you soon!


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!