Thursday, October 6, 2011

Jeremiah 29:11 Quilt

The Sewing Fairy 
Her Fairy Dust

Sewing is good for the soul, don't you agree??  With everything that's been going on in my family I needed a visit from the Sewing Fairy!  I feel SEW much better!!  I appreciate all your words of encouragement during the past two weeks.
Let the Quilting/Embroidery Begin!
My Jeremiah 29:11 Quilt
Tonight I traced the Scripture verse on the 7 white lines.

Here is my Dilemma...I haven't embroidered since 8th Grade!
I need some advice!  How many strands of thread/floss should I use? Six??
Should I use Black or match to the colors in the 'coins" say like a dark rust colored thread?

I only have DMC floss so gotta use what I have right now.   I want some Prescencia thread but...I'm over my sewing budget for this month.  I treated myself to some Ghastlies Fabric from Quilt Taffy 
for the Ghastlies Blog Hop.

For I know the Plans
I have for you
declares the Lord
Plans to Prosper you
and Not to Harm you
Plans to give you a Hope
and a future.   Jeremiah 29:11 NIV


  1. I use 2 or 3 strands - more than that and you will damage your fabric. Black I think would be too bold - this is Etchings(?) a charcoal/grey? Lay out some of your colors along the white strip to see which stands out without over powering or washing out.

  2. Vroomans' Quilts has got your back!! It's going to be beautiful!

  3. Black thread would be a bit harsh with that pretty soft fabric while rust would probably suit very well. I would use two strands for preference - perhaps try a word on a scrap piece of fabric using both two and three strands, to see what you would like? Because at the end of the day it's your quilt, and you want to be happy with it.

  4. Jane what a lovely quilt! And and even more lovely idea. :) I'd use two strands of thread and agree with others that black is too strong a color for such beautiful colors. It's hard to tell the exact colors of your fabric but if that border is a turkey red, how about using it? Or a red (not bright) that is close to what's in your print. If you don't want a color then a rich brown or gray would work too. blessings, marlene

  5. I would use 2 or 3 strands. Either a backstitch, or a fine chain stitch for the words.

    Black would be too stark for this quilt. I would go with a pale coral (or something similar to the darkest 'red' in your quilt). If you don't have that, the lightest I would go is whatever a 'medium' color in your quilt is -- a grey, or a blue. I wouldn't use a pink because it would 'wash out' on the white. You do want the verse to show. :)


  6. Everyone else has given you good advice. 2-3 strands and not black. I am thinking a chocolate brown would look lovely. If you need some tutorials let me know. I recently taught myself and have some great pages bookmarked.

  7. Jane, it looks great! I agree - 2-3 strands should do it. Get a practice piece and work a word with two strands and then work the word with three strands. See which one looks best. I think backstitching looks best with letters. A soft charcoal gray would look great with your fabric colors. It would be bold enough to be seen, but not stark, like black would be. Can't wait to see this finished! Love yo! :)

  8. Great advice everyone!! I'm going to dry a rich rust color or either a shade of gray as suggested. I do think a practice run is in order before I stitch on the real thing. I knew I would get good advice! This is my favorite verse in all the world. Anyone who knows me for long knows this is my signature scripture verse.
    Blessings Friends
    Gmama Jane

  9. I always use 2 strands. For me, I can get a smoother look with 2. Then I quilt along either side of the embroidery to give it more definition. For the color, I lay out the floss on the area I will embroider and just see which I think looks best. I would try the brown or the rust. You don't want it too pale or it won't show up.
    It's going to be beautiful!

  10. It seems we are pretty much in agreement...2-3 strands. Black is too bold but I think a rusty red to match the boldest red in the quilt would look great.

  11. I love that verse, it is such a comfort. It is one of the verse I plan to paint on a canvas for our coming little one. I wish I had the neat advice that you needed. I do look forward to seeing how everything turns out.

  12. I was taught as a child to use 3 strands. I do know some of my friends use 2 strands but it does not look strong enough to me. I think it is a preference. You should try it out on a scrap piece to see what you prefer. I think the rust color would look wonderful.

  13. I like 'even' strands as I don't knot them that I would go with 2 probably. Great idea to make a Scripture quilt. I am working on a small one but I like this big one. In fact I love it!

  14. Your quilt is beautiful, I would use three strands in a color that matches or blends well with the colors in the prints.


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!