Sunday, December 4, 2011

Occupy Your "Girl Cave"/#1 Husband Update


Barb at Cat Patches
posted this idea 
I found it over the weekend.
My thoughts were if those folks can "Occupy Wall Street"
then us QUILTERS can (in my case)"Occupy Our Sewing Caves"

I plan on making some quick projects for gifts
 Remember MUG RUGS...last Years sewing craze??
I'm here to tell you, I still have the Mug Rug Bug!
These little mini quilts are perfect for gift giving and I plan on making several.
Here are some samples from quilters last year that I copied!

I went to our local Craft Fair this past Friday afternoon and boy Oh Boy did I find some cute ideas. You've seen them but it's always good to have someone remind you at how easy it would be to make something simple to give especially when you have a large number to buy for such as the girls in the office, school faculty, daycare workers, nurses in labor & delivery, NICU nurses, Sunday School class, etc...

 Look at the fabric choices!!  I'm making 47 for some precious senior citizens at a nursing home.  My youngest daughter adopted a local nursing home and has taken upon herself to make Goodie Bags for over 60 residents.  This child of mine helped care for her Grandmother, My Mother, who had Alzheimer's and has a genuine love for the elderly.  She told me today, "Mama, I always say I wish I had adopted a nursing home resident for Christmas.  Well, this year, I'm going to really do it.  I've adopted 60 residents at one of the poorer nursing homes where I live.  Do you want to make something?"
Thus, the Kleenex Holder idea was pulled out of my bag o' tricks

Here is a tutorial if you're interested in joining me.  I'm making 60 of these little cuties in my sewing cave this week.

  1. How to Sew a Cloth Tissue Holder for Your Purse

    • 1
      Measure a 7 x 5 ½ inch square on a sheet of typing paper. Cut the shape out. This will be your tissue holder pattern. Label the pattern so when you store it, so you will remember what it is for and can reuse it.  Measure the width of the fabric and cut a strip. Then take the strip and cut the lengths. You can cut both pieces of fabric at once with this process by placing one piece of fabric on top of the other. This makes the task go faster.
    • 2
      Select two coordinating fabrics. Iron the fabric. The project takes only a few square inches of fabric making this is a perfect project to use leftover remnant fabrics. Specialty fabrics are ideal because they are bright and colorful and have fun motifs. The choice of fabric can personalize the tissue holder making it a fun gift.  Using the pattern cut two pieces of fabric one from each pattern.
    • 3
      Place top side of the fabric together and pin the short edge (5 ½ inch) sides together. Sew a ½ inch seam from short edge on each side.
    • 4
      Turn the tissues holder right side out and iron.
    • 5
      Inside out
      Fold the finished edges towards the center and then pin the raw edges together. The folds measure 1 ½ from the long edge and should come together in the center of the tissue holder. Sew a ½ inch seam from the short edge.
    • 6
      Turn the tissue holder right side out. Use a ruler to push the fabric into place in each corner. Place tissues into the tissue holder.


Assorted Holiday Fabric Squares 2 1/2 in. small/med. 
                                                        3 1/2in.----4 1/2 in. large
Styrofoam Balls - assorted sizes
Ribbon for Hanger

I use pinking shears to cut out my squares.  Take the eraser end of pencil, place in center of square and push into styrofoam ball.  Repeat over the entire ball making sure to cover the styrofoam and make the ball full looking.  Vary your color themes.  I am making some Blue and White ones as well and Black and Gold.  Loop your ribbon and use a straight pin to pin ribbon hanger to the top of ball. Use picture for reference.  Go Crazy, Have some fun...this a great project to do with your children or better yet, YOUR GRANDCHILDREN!!  WHOO HOO!!!

 Make sure you check out SEW WE QUILT for more Christmas Projects

I'm busy making all of the above projects plus THREE more projects I'll share with you on Wed.  Let me Know what you are making so I can come visit you!

#1 Husband Update:
Orthopedic Dr. would NOT release Mr. Gmama to go back to work!  He will re-evaluate #1 on Jan. 4th and then not sure if he'll release the big guy.  Dr. is afraid of my hubby being bumped in the school hall or put in a situation of having to defend himself which would destroy the shoulder.  Doc says the shoulder is VERY FRAGILE (remember this word FRAGILE printed on the Award box to the Dad in the movie The Christmas Story???  so funny) due to it being a "Re-Section"

Come Back Wednesday for more Gift Ideas and some Sneak Peeks


  1. Ouch to #1 Husband! Tell him I said it's all downhill after the age of 25.....*grin* Good ideas for small gifts and projects, thank you.

  2. Poor Roger. Fra-gi-leeee! LOL! Love that movie! Looks like you've got some serious work going on in your 'girl cave' -- sounds like FUN!!! :)

  3. Jane!! These are great ideas!! Love the ornaments!! Gee Whiz, your poor Hubby, what a shame. Tell him to hang in there it will get better!

  4. Hope your husband gets the go-ahead in Jan. I am sure that must be frustrating for you both! (LOL) Your daughter must be a special person to take on such a task.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  5. I still have the Mug Rug Bug, too! thank you for the ideas and the nice tutorial for the tissue holders. I'm hanging out in my girl-cave, too!
    Hoping #1 will hang in there and let his Italian shoulder heal up really well before he heads back to high school's hallowed halls.

  6. Look at all you are doing! And so proud of your daughter for putting you to work!

  7. Until he can carve up the Turkey at home, he can't reshape the ones at school..

  8. Love all of your projects...awesome quilting on those great mugrugs! Hope your hubby improves, and gets a clean report in January!

  9. Mommarock's comment is hysterical!! Right on!! I wish I could claim those mug rugs but I only used these as patterns. I made some like them but gave them away as gifts. I can't even find the source of all of them...I saved pictures from last year and should have the source to give proper credit. Mamacjt is probably the author of a few. Aren't they gorgeous?? I tried making mine as close to the original as possible. I'm a great idea stealer and then I tweak it to make it my own. Do you do that??
    Gmama Jane

  10. Great projects. I want to make a few mug rugs this year...i doubt they will be a pretty as those, but practice makes perfect.. lol. i hope #1 takes it easy and has a speedy recovery

  11. A daughter that adopts a home full of old folks and a mom that helps make gifts for them all. That nut hasn't fallen far from the tree!
    Love all that Christmassy stuff.

  12. Wow! You are a master sewer/quilter! I am very impressed. Thank you so much for visiting the Button Floozies blog! We're so happy to have you!

  13. GMama Jane, I love, love those mug rugs! They are so cute. I love Christmas and Christmas decorations. Of course, my favorite about Christmas is the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Hope all is well with you and the family. Give those precious grandchildren a lot of kisses.


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!