Thursday, January 12, 2012


January Favorite Things List

You can thank or blame my friend Marlene over at Stitchinbythelake for this post. She made a list of some of her favorite things and then challenged her friends to respond by posting some of OUR favorite things.  Now I will make a disclaimer right here and now...OPRAH DOES NOT BLOG HERE...or in laymen's terms, I will NOT be giving away my favorite things to my loyal followers.  You know I love reading your sweet comments but this gal just got over Christmas and you know what that means....I'm living very FRUGAL right now.  Since I don't EVER EVER charge anything...Honest...Never... used to...learned my lesson... if I can't afford to pay cash then I don't buy it.  Very liberating BTW!!...I digress
So here goes...
A 2012 list of SOME of my Favorite Things
Personal products I like:
Diet Pepsi...Drink of the Gods
Don't bother telling me how horrible it is for me because I already know.  However, I love it, and reward myself for a job well done with an Ice Cold Diet Pepsi in a bottle, Not a Can!

Johnson's Baby Lotion w/ pump
I try to find a coupon because the big bottle can be a little pricey but it's one of my "Gotta Haves" especially w/ my dry skin.  It smells great and isn't too greasy.  I've loved it since I was little and later when my children were babies.  They smelled so good after their bath and all lotioned up.  I know...pediatricians now recommend no lotion but I disagree.  My grandchildren have dry skin and love to come to my house for a bath so they can use Grandmama's Baby Lotion

Gold Bond Baby Powder
This is the best stuff ever!  I use lots of powder
It has Cornstarch (no talc), Kaolin, and Zinc Oxide\
CVS pharmacy makes an exact replica, $1 cheaper too.

 Obsession Perfume
My signature smell!!  My girl's call it the "Mommie Smell" from when they were little. They claim everything I own smells like Obsession.  Interestingly, my sister uses this very same fragrance.  I used to pay out the ying Yang but can buy it at Marshall's for $14.95!

Activia Blueberry and Cherry Yogurt
Tastes so good plus keeps my *plumbing* in tip top shape

My Daytime Moisturizer 

Oil of Olay Night Cream

I find the Daytime Oil of Olay creams at Dollar General for a Great Price

So there you have it
a few of my Daily Favorite things:
Next Post I'll share some sewing and cooking favorite things.
Why don't you do the same thing and tell me so I can check out YOUR favorite things?!



  1. A nice grouping of favorites, Jane! Fun stuff! :)

  2. a few of my favorite things:
    bigelows cinnamon stick tea
    car's remote start
    home-baked whole wheat machine bread
    silver and gold dragonfly earrings
    johnson's aloe and vitamin e baby lotion
    snowy winter day

  3. I use Olay daytime moisturizer too Jane but how in the world can you abide Pepsi? :) Diet Dr. there's a drink! blessings, marlene

  4. Thanks so much for sharing some of your favorite things. I can hear Julie Andrews singing this as I write!

    A few of MY favorite things...
    1. A & W Diet Root Beer (I'm enjoying one right now)
    2. Avon's Silicone Glove cream (I love it after I shower on my arms and legs to alleviate the dryness
    3. My Fitbit that I got for Christmas (you can read up on this incredible little device at
    4. Reading my favorite blogs
    5. Swiss Miss Diet Hot Chocolate
    6. My Keurig coffee maker and the fact that my hubby now loves it, too.

    I'm sure I could go on and on, but that's enough for now.

    Fun topic, dear Jane!

  5. Did not know you could get obsession at Marshall's for that price....I still pay out the ying yang for it. It's my signature smell as well. I usually only wear it when I am heading out of town to see friends and have fun, but occasionally I will wear it to work (if I am not running low) but my daughter, when I do put it on for work, always asks why I am smelling like I am going out of town. lol

  6. One of my favorite things is Godiva chocolate, Aveeno active naturals Skin Relief, Avon Moisture Therapy - for my face, jalapeno pepper chips, the feel of good quality cotton - on the sheets, pillowcases, my clothes, Lands' End clothes, shoes -I love shoes, and my nookcolor which is what I am using now. Books but they take up a lot of space, which is why I got the ereader in the first place. I really enjoy blogspot seeing what everyone is making, I hope your grandson is recovering nicely.

  7. Hmmm, let's see.
    1. Fat quarters
    2. Jelly rolls
    Oh, wait a minute...let's get off this and try again.
    1. Diet Coke
    2. Polar Orange Dry soda
    3. anything with peanut butter in it LOL
    4. Neutregena Norwegian formula hand cream...only thing I've found that will heal my cracked skin on my fingers in the winter
    5. Yardley oatmeal and almond soap (smells awesome)
    Fun post, my friend!


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!