Friday, February 10, 2012

Hodge Podge Week

What have I Been Up To?
A Little Bit of Everything!
This is my latest Wonky House #8...4 more to GO! Have to be in the mail to Jane of Jane's Fabrics by March 1st!!

Today's Post 
is a 
Hodge Podge 
of all 
the little "puddles" 
I've dipped my toes in since Sunday
Babysitting Grandson Scott
Poor Baby!  Scott has Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye), sinus infection, fluid behind the ear-drum, 
PLUS...He decided to play BARBER this week when he found sharp scissors at HIS house (not mine!) and proceeded to cut the front of his the scalp!  His Daddy tried to buzz his head in an effort to "blend in" the cut portion but now Scott just looks like a little sore-eyed bullfrog!

However, I did learn how to what I THINK is called "serging"?  Almost like zig-zag but covers a raw edge? I'm learning so much and teaching myself via You-Tube and Blogging tutorials.

Baking TWO Cream Cheese Pound Cakes
One for us..One for Friend's who lost their 26 yr. old son to Cancer
 Handwritten and Time Worn Recipe
Fresh Eggs! 
My chickens think it's Spring and started laying!
Pecan Cracker...
#1 cracks fresh Pecans for my Baking
I'm attempting to organize some areas in my sewing cave.  If it doesn't move, I'm putting a Label on it!
or how about some storage drawers
I am replacing handwritten labels with nice label maker labels.
Embroidery Remnant
I'm brushing up on my Embroidery skills so when I found this remnant at a local fabric shop I bought it with the idea that I could practice my embroidery stitches and ultimately use the remnant as a Quilt Center.  I keep it in my purse to work on when I find myself waiting somewhere.
I was even able to work on it last night in my class

Class??  Yep, Remember that little MATTER CONCERNING a speeding ticket last month?  My sentence was a hefty little fine and a FOUR HOUR DEFENSIVE DRIVING CLASS FROM 5:30-9:30.
I Am an Official Defensive Driver 

I'm close to finishing the hand quilting of this lap size quilt. The top was sent to me for "Quilts for Hugs" by one of my loyal followers and I've forgotten which kind person that was.  Please tell me if you recognize this quilt top as being one of your creations.

So there you have it.........the Highlights of my week.
Oh, I almost Forgot!
As if I needed ANOTHER reason to Waste Time
I have discovered...along with PINTEREST 
Retirement is Wonderful!


  1. You certainly covered a lot of different areas with your lovely post - poor baby Scott and hope he gets to feeling better really soon. I know what you mean about hemming ... ugh .... any excuse to get out of it. Going to go check with Words With Friends now. Judy C

  2. I can't believe they made you take a defensive driving class, Jane!! Crazy!! At first I thought you were saying it's this coming Thursday -- oh NO! Not another guild meeting night! Are you still doing the stitcher's camp in Fayetteville?? :)

  3. Wow - you really have been up to a little bit of everything. Hemming pants is not one of my favorite past times either.

  4. Pour little Scott, I remember when my Scott did something like that to his hair trying to cut all his curls out because he didn't like them. Boy they play hard down there when you get a speeding ticket, It was probably a good learning experience we all need to drive defensively . We just Had 11 people killed in a car accident not far from Stratford, so sad.
    I hate hemming pants to still have a pair of jeans from last fall waiting to be done. I finished two quilts all except the bindings, hopefully this weekend and then I will send a picture. How is hubby doing?

  5. I love your wonky house!
    Poor Scott! (When teaching school, I had a student put Elmer's glue in his hair (not school glue, but the old more permanent type) while he was in a different teacher's class! (This was 1st grade.) He then spiked it up and let it dry. Poor thing. They had to buzz his head that night because they couldn't get the glue out! What is it with boys and their hair!
    I have that identical pecan cracker sitting on my counter! Wish I had the fresh eggs, though.

  6. OH my you have been busy! great work though

  7. I've been playing Words With Friends with my children - another addiction! :) blessings, marlene

  8. OOH, fresh eggs! What a difference they make in recipes, ay? LOL It's been a while since I got some from one of my neighbors....tried to convince hubby to let me raise some chickie-babies, but the answer was no. Humph. Love the projects you have been working on, and hope your wee one is better! (Bringing back memories of my daughter thinking the clippers were so cool and attacking her own hairline. Giggle!)

  9. I haven't commented on your blog in awhile because I lost my link and couldn't remember the name. Sounds like you are one busy lady, although you'd probably be a little less busy without having to attend that class:) I tend to have a "heavy foot" myself but have tried to slow up since I got a speeding ticket awhile back too...thankfully no class! Your grandson is so cute, even with the buzz cut. Don't know what the kids would do without us grandmas to keep them when they're sick! So sorry about the loss of your friend's son. The 34 yr. old mother of one of my granddaughter's best friends has just found she has ovarian cancer. We are all so worried but praying for complete healing. Cancer just sucks! I'm off to catch up on a few of your blog posts. Hope you will come back to visit me at my blog when you have a few spare moments, which doesn't look like anytime soon:) Have a beautiful Sunday.


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!