Sunday, February 26, 2012



For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.
Plans to prosper You and not to Harm You
Plans to Give you a Hope and a Future.  NIV 
Jeremiah 29:11

I don't know if you've ever noticed but in the New International Version of this scripture, there is ONE two letter word that does not appear in any other translation.  I've wondered about that word and thought about how or IF it changes the meaning in any way.
Do you see it?
It's right in front of HOPE...the word "a"
Most translations read "Plans to give you Hope"  but in this version it reads "Plans to give you A Hope".

When pondering it's significance it occurred to me that the difference between "having Hope" and "Having A Hope" is monumental.  It's like the difference between someone saying "I'll pray for you" and someone saying "How can I pray for you?"  In the latter, you are made to feel the person saying it is tuned into you personally.  Thus it is with the seemingly insignificant two letter word "a".  The Lord has plans to give ME a SPECIFIC HOPE.  A Hope tailor made for ME that only my Sweet Lord could know.
What specific HOPE do you need today?  Do I Need today?
I already know my answer.

As you Rest and Pray Today, may the Lord of Heaven reveal to you "A HOPE"

Prayer Requests and Praise
Baby Max turned 3 months this week and Patricia reports he is doing so well he was taken out of the NICU to a regular room!!!!  He has come a long way from death's door to "in a regular room" and breathing on his own after SUCCESSFUL Open Heart Surgery.  

Josie:  Aunt Rita and husband Bob are going through very troubled times with both having serious life threatening health issues, one Granddaughter, Jennifer (mother of 2) diagnosed with brain tumor.
Praise: Another Granddaughter is 8 weeks pregnant after 5 miscarriages in 3 yrs.  A Miracle!

A very good friend and her daughter had to deal with the heartbreak of the 1 yr. anniversary of the death of Everett, stillborn and no apparent medical reason.  The daughter just had a baby daughter Ellie.

I have an UNSPOKEN request that is heavy on my heart.  God knows and that's all that needs to know but you can intercede in prayer for me.  Thank You!

Please share your needs if you feel led to do so.



  1. I've added my prayers to yours. blessings, marlene

  2. Another voice added in prayer, for requests both spoken and unspoken.

  3. All these requests and events, the spoken and unspoken, will be prayed for throughout this week. Thank you for "A" wonderful post.

  4. I always have you and your family in my prayers and all we pray for all others who are in need. Blessings sandra

  5. A Hope. My own personalized Hope. Thank you for bringing that "A" to our attention, Jane.

    Praising God for Baby Max's amazing improvement!

    Remembering James also, and little Ellie and the tiny one just beginning. The life-threatening health issues, the unspoken, heavy-heart requests, all brought before The One who hears and heals.
    Hugs to all,
    gramma sheri


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!