Saturday, March 24, 2012


MARCH 25TH, 2012
Apple Blossoms on our Farm

I attended a funeral today.  The 16 yr. old son of a friend and former student of mine, lost his life Wednesday afternoon on his way home from Golf Practice.  Jeremy was so thrilled to have made his first "Eagle" that he called Grandmama on his cell phone to brag.  Minutes later, J.R. ran off the berm of the road, jerked the wheel to over-correct, and hit an embankment, ejecting his body from the truck because J.R. wasn't wearing a seat belt.  A family is left to grieve.  Remember this picture from the tornadoes?  My Granddaughter's best friend??  It was her brother who was killed on Wed.  Sad how one death, one life, touches so many people.

In their grief, the strength of the Pinder Family's Faith was demonstrated in today's Memorial.  J.R.'s life was Celebrated all the while giving testimony to the One who Gives Life!  My DIL put it this way, "We Had Church!"  That's southern for The preachin' and the singin' was awesome and lives were saved!  People left the funeral feeling uplifted and Hopeful!!  That's the kind of funeral I want when my time here on earth is over!

Let's pray together for each other this week!  Pray for each of us to be encouraged and to be an encourager.  I'm resolving to distance myself from toxic people and toxic situations.  Life is way too short for negativity.  This year on my birthday, I was having a pity party so I decided to write 59 Blessings in my for each year of my life.  I started off gang busters but I'm embarrassed to say I had to think hard beginning around 35 or so.  It was then that I thought of you Marlene and your 1,000 Blessings project.  I went back and read a few of Marlene's posts (StitchinBytheLake)and realized blessings are found in the smaller details of life rather than the BIG or the SHOWY.
Prayer Requests for Week of March 25th, 2012

Happy Saturday morning!  Max had his 6 week post op cath yesterday and everything looked great.  They put a tiny stint in one of his other veins to keep it open but there does not seem to be any narrowing of the veins that were reconstructed.  Max is doing well on his new formula and gaining weight.  The doctor told Gina that she and Max could fly home this upcoming Friday if everything goes well this week.  How is that for a testimony for the Prayer Warriors group and of course, God?

Requests prayer for her sister Judy, 11 yrs. older who helped raise her while their mother was sick for a time.  Rondell asked me to pray for Judy's procedure on Thursday.  Everything went fine with Judy's procedure and Rondell feels a huge relief from the worry and anxiety.  Does anyone have a sibling they are particularly close with?  Then you can understand Rondell's anxiety for Judy!  Rondell feels like God directed her to our prayer group!  I most definitely do!!  God does not deal in coincidences, He is the author of divine appointments.

It's one of those "coincidences" that I even found Cathy's blog.  She was lamenting losing her blog AND her followers and having to make this quickie temporary blog until she could figure out what happened.  Can you imagine going to your blog like you've done hundreds of time and find it GONE!!!  Yep, GONE, NADA, VANISHED, ZILCHO and along with her blog went all her followers.  Cathy didn't say how many followers but it wasn't important.  She was so distraught because all she had following currently was 8 people.  She's trying to email former followers and get the word out about what happened.  I would be SO SAD to Lose even one of you!  Anyhoo...
I clicked the follow button, wrote her an encouraging note, and in return got the most grateful thank-you.  I told her we would pray for her because her blog is all about sharing the Savior.  Now who do we all know that HATES having the Love of Christ shared with a lost and dying world???  Sounds like a little spiritual warfare going on to me...if you believe in that sort of thing...and I DO!!  So...if you feel led, go visit, Follow and give Cathy some encouragement!

4.  PRAISE:  Marlene says we can remove her BIL from our prayer list due to his successful adapting to the low vision.  Prayers have been answered!

5.  JOSIE M.:  Has an upcoming Dr. appt. hoping to get some answers for symptoms she's having as well as unexplained weight loss.  
Josie's friend Jennifer who has cancer and 2 small children, will begin Chemo soon.  Ok Prayer Warriors, this one needs some TNT!

6.  PINDER family:  Loss of their son, J.R.
We will celebrate EASTER in 2 weeks!!  How does your family celebrate Easter?  Share with us your family's Easter traditions.  Invite your followers to join us each Sunday with their prayer requests.


  1. sending up my prayers for everyone :)

  2. Praying for Josie, Jennifer and the Pinder family. The good news of answered prayers provides encouragement and a renewed fervor to pray all the more! Will definitely follow Cathy and pray that her blog can be restored.

  3. I think Marlene's thousand blessings are a good example to us all. I need a list for that small stuff that drives you nuts and turns out to be a blessing in disguise. Thank you, Gmama, for both requests and up-dates. Even some un-spoken requests are getting attention.

  4. There are so many hurting people in the world. It doesn't matter if the hurt is big or small in the eyes of others, it hurts just the same. Even though prayers aren't always answered as we would choose there's great comfort in knowing that our Father knows us and loves us and wants the very best for us. He blesses us in big ways and and small ones - the sound of the birds on this beautiful spring morning, the freedom to go to church (or not), the sight of sleeping grandchildren, the comfort of electricity to run our appliances, a closet holding more than one choice of outfits; sometimes it's overwhelming to think about the good things God has given us. I know He is with each of those requesting prayer and I pray for strength and peace for each one. blessings, marlene

  5. It is good news to hear that those situations and people we are praying for are being positively impacted. My prayers this week will include Josie, Jennifer, the Pinders, Cathy, James, Max and other intentions. Thank you, Gmama!

  6. Everyone is in my prayers, As I said yesterday your 16 year old hits home FAR more than I had known before... My BIL was also not wearing his belt and also ejected. My FIL was on the local FD (a volunteer department) and went on the call. I feel their pain and hope they find healing in this sad time.

  7. Thank you for sharing, Jeremy, Baby Max, Rondell, Cathy, Marlene, Josie and all others who are on the prayer lists you'll be in my prayers.

  8. Happy Sunday Gmama Jane!!! Wow...thank you so much for such a warm prayer request for me!!! I am truly touched, and a tear was shed! Yes, it was very emotional losing my because I had started that blog in 2008, and it had lots of sharing of the LORD, teachings, family and friends stuff besides all the pictures! But as you said, the LORD knows and will bless this new blog! I do LOVE JESUS with all my heart, and want to share Him with anyone interested! Again, thank you for this beautiful prayer! I had 59 followers before, and also quit a few that followed through email. The LORD's Will be done and all Glory to His Name for He is Worthy!!! ♥♥♥

  9. Thank you! My sister is doing well, she was so much like her old self that I was so thankful right then and there!
    I'm adding you to my bloglist so that I won't miss anything!
    Love your grandchildren they sure are the best, we have a 7 month old grandson and he is the picture of my son when he was a baby. Funny how the Lord blesses you in these ways, we can't go back to those days when our kids were little but we can see them in our grandchildren...what a gift♥


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!