Sunday, April 1, 2012

Prayer Request Sunday APRIL 1st

Welcome to Prayer Request Sunday
Palm Sunday Edition
April 1st, 2012

Baby Max is HOME!!!  Here is what Patricia writes
Baby Max is finally home and doing great!  I thought you would like to know this joyous news!


I'm overjoyed as I'm sure all of you who have been praying for Baby Max these past few weeks.  The little boy who started PRS is HOME... on Palm Sunday no less!  Patricia, please keep us in the loop with his progress and give our blessings to Baby Max's family!

That is the only request/praise report I received this week.  Let us continue to keep Josie, Jannette, "b", and all the others from past Sundays in our prayers.  God knows the need and can supply the  answer.  The Bible says He knows the number of hairs on our head.

I'm getting a late start on writing this post.  In fact, it's early Sunday morning, coffee is on, and I will be headed upstairs to get ready for church as soon as I finish writing my post.

Today is Palm Sunday in the Christian Calendar.  The Day Christ rode through the streets on the back of a donkey while the crowd waved large palm leaves and shouted Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna !!  Their adulation was Loud and Proud. Yet, in the very next few days these same revelers would be shouting, "Give us Barrabas" when given the choice to save a known "thug of that day" or Jesus Christ, who's only crime was healing on the Sabbath and... Oh yes, claim to be the Son of God!  Of course this is the condensed version but you get the picture.

I used to Love Palm Sunday as a child especially when my Sunday School Teacher would bring something resembling a palm fern and let us wave our palms as we marched around that  little Sunday School classroom.  I would bring my Palm leaf home determined to save it by putting it in a glass of water.  The picture of Jesus riding on a lowly donkey while the people waved Palm leaves in His honor made an indelible mark on this child's memory.  I could envision myself waving my palm branch and was certain that I would have NEVER joined in with the crowd a week later in choosing Barrabas.  My child like heart knew without a doubt, I would CHOOSE JESUS.

The years have flown by and as I reflect on THIS Palm Sunday of 2012, I am reminded of that little girl who waved her palm leaf and said she would always choose Jesus.  I think about the times throughout the years I have acted like the crowd and how God in His mercy has given me Grace.

Why?  Because the blood of Jesus on that Old Rugged Cross, 2000 yrs ago was shed for me...Jane Hillis...and because the simple lessons learned as a child in Sunday School are still true today...April 1st. 2012.
I Choose Jesus!



  1. Good post Jane. I choose Jesus too! blessings, marlene

  2. Good news about Max. Continued prayers for all. I can just imagine that little Jane of yesterday waving her palm frond. :)

  3. What a beautiful post, we celebrated Palm Sunday today with part of our family, a beautiful day.
    I want to thankyou for the lovely comment you made on my blog and they prayers for my health, I followed right back, thankyou so much.

  4. Your message causes me to think about my own childhood growing up in the church, a Grand dad who was a minister and my hero, and I wonder if this is part of what shaped me. Then I think of my two son-in-laws, both sons of missionaries, and wonder where the difference lies, that they have given up or question God or religion in general.
    Great news about little Max! May he continue to make progress.


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!