Sunday, May 6, 2012


MAY 6 th,  2012

For in the day of trouble
He will keep me safe in His 
He will hide me in the shelter of His
and set me high upon a rock.
PSALM 27: 5

Powerful yet tender, protective yet liberating is how I read these words written so long ago by David, a man after God's own heart.  A man who in his imperfectness  gives us all A HOPE for unconditional love, forgiveness, and a second chance.  
MY God is the God of second chances.  It is my prayer for you today, that if you are in need of a second chance whether it be with God, in a relationship, in your finances, your job, or simply in need to know God's Plan B, C, D, or even E for your life, that you will "lift up your eyes unto the hills for whence cometh my help". 
 God Loves You

Prayer Requests
Her mother was doing well for awhile but is now showing signs that her time is short upon this earth.  Her will to live is at odds with her deep desire to "go home".  May 14th is her 58th wedding anniversary and Jannette believes her mother is holding on so she can celebrate that important date.  Isn't that a great love story?  Jannette I will pray for your dear sweet mother to make that date and Pray that you will have the courage to release your mother to go home if that is her sincere desire.  I had to come to a point in time where I had to verbally tell my mother it was Ok to go...that I would be Ok.  It gave us both peace and allowed Mama to go to heaven with a smile on her face!

Sharon of Dancing Thru Threads
Friends, this dear quilting/blogging cohort needs our prayers and encouragement !  She has gone through some rough chemo and is facing more treatments plus radiation.  The cancer is not giving in quietly.  Her strength is weak and she was able to do some hand stitching this last week or so.  Go to her blog and give Sharon words of encouragement and let her know our group is praying for her!

Cathy's daughter's Grandmother-in-law, ROSE, whom we began to pray for last week, has begun to feel some better after falling and breaking her wrist. The doctors think she may have also had a virus!  This 80 yr. old lady runs a Food Pantry plus serves her church, community and most of all her Lord!  What a precious woman of God, Rose must be.  I would love to know her and have her share wisdom that can only come from a life fully lived for God.

Traveling and following the 4th Mission journey of Paul.  An incredible opportunity yet traveling in that part of the world can be dangerous.  Come home safely my friend. You can find Marlene here.

Pray for my daughter Mary Ellen's asthma and other health issues.  She has so much on her plate what with caring for James' w/ Cerebral Palsy, that her own health issues take a back burner.  James is growing and getting heavier.  Although he is walking with his walker in public, the fact remains at home much of his care still involves lifting and carrying him in and out of his chair, the tub, his bed, etc...  The physical wear and tear on my daughter is tremendous.  She needs a special touch for her back, for increased stamina, and wisdom in making decisions concerning discipline, school placement, and providing appropriate social situations for James.

Let me leave you with James' (4yr.) blessing before supper the other night.
It's Priceless:

Dear Jesus,
What's Up?
How was your day?
Thanks for the Food
Want Some?

I feel certain that honest little prayer went all the way to the Throne of God!


  1. All of these heartfelt intentions will be prayed for throughout the week. Thank you again Gmama for your work in putting this weekly group together.

  2. I love James's blessing. I'm sure Jesus approved. "Suffer the little children to come unto me."

  3. How sweet is James, his thought is to give and not to receive! Prayers for Jannettes mom, Sharon, Rose, Marlene and Mary Ellen. Stay well my friend.

  4. I will do my best to pray for all of these people and especially for Mary Ellen and James because I know how heavy her burdens are and how hard discipline is with a child with disabilities you sometimes tend to want to let them get away with things. Jonah is saying his blessings in spanish now and can't understand why Grammie can't do it.LOL Blessings to all

  5. Prayers for all our lovely friends! Update, my Cousin Jennifer (Brain Cancer) has just finished up her Chemo and is on Radiation for an indefinate amount of time. She is in high spirits and seems to be responding as well as can be expected to the treatments! The Miracle baby is doing well and joy of joy their other son and wife (Bobby and Whitney, could not make that up if I tried LOL) announced they are pregnant, too!! :)


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!