Friday, May 18, 2012


The little boogers are abundant in the woods surrounding the farmhouse this spring!  I counted NINE dining at the 3  bird feeders near my front porch!.  I gave up fighting the squirrels getting to my birdseed a long time ago.  Could be why I have so many squirrels!?
However, as plentiful and fun as they are to watch (my sister would disagree) with their antics hanging upside down on the bird feeders, today's post has nothing to do with the actual squirrels in my woods and everything to do with something funny my grandson, Sidekick Scott asked me Monday!
3 yr. old Little boys have no filter on what comes out of their mouths
Let me set the stage:  
Sidekick and I have spent a fair amount of time the last two weeks watching and commenting on the squirrels, where they live, what they eat, etc... Thus the topic of nuts and how the squirrels store them for the winter was fresh on his little mind as he played over the weekend with his 2 older brothers, Ryan and Clay.

Fast Forward to Monday.  Sidekick is undressing to get his bath (he takes a bath after lunch every day at my house) :
Sidekick:  Grandmama?
Gmama:  Yes, Scott
Sidekick:  Ryan punched Clay in the nuts.
Gmama:  Well, that wasn't nice.  Don't you let your brothers hit you there.
Sidekick:  Grandmama?  Where are your NUTS?

What would you have said???
I just consider this little conversation to be one more 


  1. Little boys are so funny! My sister is famous for "mixing metaphors" and once announced to her four children (who were searching for something) "Even a blind squirrel can find his nuts!" They have never let her live it down! He'll learn as soon as he starts school. It's impossible to shield them from everything.

    1. Very funny, Linda!! I love little boys and the things they say absolutely crack me up!
      Gmama Jane

  2. I should have mentioned for our international friends that the expression is "Even a blind pig can find an acorn every now and then." My sister was just confused.

  3. LOL - I love your blog. I'd have said your nuts are in a jar in the pantry and left it. Years from then it would be interesting to see how THAT answer confused the poor fellow.

    1. Helen,
      You are a *NUT*
      LOL, sorry, I couldn't help myself.

  4. LOL - I lobe your blog! I'd have said 'Your nuts are in a jar in the pantry' and set back to wait to see how confused the poor little guy got.

    1. I LOVE your blog. Sorry My lobes are not working right today.

  5. So cute, sometimes when Jonah asks questions like that I refer him back to Mom but today he told me that Gandpa said Grammy knows everything so just ask her. I try to be as close to truth as possible because kids are so smart these days especially if they have older brothers and sisters. Blessings

  6. LOL! Definitely out of the mouths of babes! So, Jane, how *did* you answer?!?!? :)

  7. Hi Jane,

    That is a cute story! Kids...*smile*...I probably would have honestly said that was a slang term, but nobody should be kicking anybody in the nuts EVER! That is not a nice thing to do!! And, that God didn't make women with nuts. LOL ....atleast I would probably say it that way. I think??? ha! :)

    Thanks for your visit!!! :)

    Happy weekend to you!

  8. Love it. I remember dining out with friends when my daughter was a baby. Friends daughter turned to her mom and asked THE QUESTION-Mom where did I come from? Without missing a beat I replied-The same hospital that my baby was born at. Not the answer she was expecting-but "mom" gave me a grateful look as we changed the subject. A least she had a few hours grace to decide what she wanted to say.

  9. One of these days he's going to be horrified by this story and you're going to love teasing him about it! :) blessings, Marlene

  10. Hehehe. Thanks for the chuckle.

    And for the record, we don't have nuts in this house, we have beans. Once when he was getting a checkup at the doc, she called them his beans and that has stuck ever since.

  11. GMama, I love your stories! Keep them coming. As Denise said, Out of the mouth of babes. LOL I love hearing about your children and their antics. I now have a blog, too! Please check it out!Thanks in advance.

  12. Gotta love those little boys--even when they ask innocent unanswerable questions!

  13. That's hilarious! I have some stories that come from having our daughter AFTER our two sons....Heehee! The questions she would ask. :)


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