Saturday, June 30, 2012


Prayer Request Sunday is at Bottom of Post...Keep Reading!

Its' going to be GREAT fun *hopping* around to all these great blogs...looking at some great RWB Blocks for inspiration! 

Jane from Jane's Fabrics is our Hostess with the Mostess so if you ever get lost or need to know where to go, just hop on over and see Jane.  She will have your directions! 

I have been fortunate enough to get to know several of these ladies on a personal level through our blogging and I can tell you...they are TOP DRAWER LADIES and QUILTERS!!!  I Love you, Patricia, Sharon, & Lesley!! 

Those of us in the USA are particularly excited since JULY 4th is the Birthday of our Great nation. 
Red, White, and Blue are our Nation's colors of FREEDOM, LIBERTY, and ONE NATION UNDER GOD!

JULY 7th is GMAMA's Day in the Blog HOP

Check out Sunday's Guests:
BABY MAX...I have not gotten an update but as of last update, Max was undergoing more tests.  Gina was glad the Dr. seemed to take her concerns more seriously or at least LISTEN with different ears.

Gloria...thanks us for our prayers and asks us to continue praying for her mother, father and brother during difficult times.  Gloria was one of my first followers when I began blogging!  Love you, Gloria!

Unfortunately, I misplaced my little notebook with my prayer request notes.  Please forgive me for not posting any requests sent to me and not posted here today.  Please write your prayer request in the comment section so we may all pray!  I will do better next week!  I truly love our little prayer group so please send your requests and concerns!


Thursday, June 28, 2012


Walk around the farm with me 
let's see what the summer brings to us here in the Deep South.
I'll show you some summer sewing/quilting next post!
 Veggie Table
 Fresh picked veggies come to rest on this table on my back porch before entering the house for eating or preservation. Tomatoes grown in Alabama Red Dirt are a Culinary Delight! Yum!

The temps are hovering around 100 but blissfully, low humidity, is making the heat quite bearable.The garden is mid cycle and we are settling into a summer routine of outdoor chores done early morning/late evening before the heat drives us indoors for lunch and maybe a nap?  Afternoons find me sewing, reading, laundry, blogging, or swimming with the grandpeeps.  I've tried to avoid much housework since we are planning major remodeling and updating beginning in September.

                                                                      Let's Go:
Concord Grapes

Japanese Beetles are devouring everything!
Fall apples are forming in the backyard
Watermelon and Cantaloupe patch
Look!!  Watermelon ready by the 4th of July
Cantaloupes about 1 week from eating!  Delicious!
I love fresh cantaloupe for breakfast
Blackberry vines next to melon patch.  We've picked almost 3 gallon so far.
Blackberry cobblers have been a staple at the dinner table.
Fall pears on new pear trees planted this Spring.
The girls give me 3 eggs a day!  Pound cakes are incredible made with these fresh eggs.
Rhode Island Reds.  I want more  of the Black and White hens but I can't correctly spell Dominekers (sp?)  Ha!!
 #1 Husband restores Tractors for a Hobby!  This is his latest restoration for a Friend's Father's old tractor that had rusted for years in an old barn.  You should have seen the Before!
New decals and fresh paint bring an old Gal  back to life!

Now, I wish we could go sit on the front porch together with a tall glass of Sweet Tea...iced tea in the south is more like tea with your sugar!  A gallon of fresh brewed tea has 2 cups of sugar! Yikes...but Oh So Delicious!
I also make sugar free and sweeten with Splenda by the glass (I don't like to sweeten a gallon of tea with Splenda...leaves an aftertaste in my opinion)

Next Post: 
What's Happening in my Sewing Cave

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Adventures of Sewing Kit and Gmama...Baby Max Update

Featuring "Cmiling Celina"
plus a Baby Max Update

Sewing Kit learns to use the Serger

How many of you learned to sew at the foot of a Mother or Grandmother?  I loved to watch my mother use the peddle Singer but I never was allowed to actually USE the sewing machine.  My sweet Mama was too afraid of my getting hurt.  Bless her her attempt to shield me from all pain and/or injury I often wasn't allowed to learn skills such as cooking and sewing.  

I did not do a very good job of passing along any domestic skills to my own children unfortunately.  I have therefore vowed to do a much better job as a Grandmother in teaching my Grandchildren the skills of sewing and cooking.  Sewing Kit (aka...Emma Grace) is obsessed with anything sewing related.  You would have thought I had taken her to DisneyWorld when I took her to my friend Cmiling Celina who had just purchased a BERNINA 830 Limited...........AHHHH that machine does everything but cook the supper and wash the dishes!  It's embroidery and quilting capabilities are Incredible!!!!
Look at those two!!!  
SK learned to serge AND thread/program the Bernina 830 for an embroidery project!!!

Here is our stash of Fabric for Project Linus Blankets and Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep (NILMDTS) blankets.  If you are not familiar with either of these two organizations, PLEASE google them and check out the important work/service they provide FREE OF CHARGE.
Look through to the back room and see the nice portable cutting table CC has in one of the TWO bedrooms she has hijacked for sewing!!!  Doesn't that sound a little too familiar to some of us???
I have now hijacked TWO bedrooms myself!
Cutting Table with Gmama's prerequisite Diet Pepsi
(I can't function without Diet Pepsi...  Just FYI)
monogramming a NICU blanket....programmed and hooped by Sewing KIT with minimum assistance, thank you very much!  That girl may have her own sewing business one day!
I had never used a serger before...I know, it's sad but I told you I was a sewing newbie
NONA...She kept guard while we sewed.  She decided she liked Gmama!
We enjoyed a wonderful day sewing together and there will be approx. 14-17 new blankets ready to be delivered as soon as bindings are completed.  I'll tell a little more about NILMDTS in a future post.  Some of you may not be aware of the service and how you can help in your own community.
Now for a quick Baby Max Update:

There hasn't been many changes since my last update. Max is still intubated but definitely showing all the signs that he is ready to get up and go. They have weaned some of his ventilator settings and are hoping for extubation tomorrow. They are trying to find the balance for all the meds as he is already showing withdrawal symptoms. This is gonna be rough but like always we will get through. Max is going to have a cardiac cath on Thursday to get a good read on his numbers of lung pressures since this traumatic event. He is getting fed continuously one ounce per hour with 27 calories formula so he is definitely plumping up. After his cath they will set a plan for the next few weeks as far as testing and treatment. He is making small baby steps in the right direction. I just hope he cooperates for extubation. 

Thank you so much for your prayerful efforts.

patricia (Gina's Friend)


Saturday, June 23, 2012




A Little R&R...Rest and Restraints!

Update from Gina, Max's Mother via our Prayer Warrior Friend Patricia:

Oh my, where do I even begin! The last 72 hours has been an up and down roller coaster ride. Monday, Max was placed on extra sedation and paralytics to keep him calm and still. He was restrained because, well as you all know Max, he was feistier than ever. During the night, he kept waking up and going straight for the ventilator tube. They tied him down for his safety. It made me chuckle and the nurse thought I was crying. I told her I wasn’t surprised! Max is a fighter as we all know. Nothing is going to stop him! He did however continue to scare the daylights out of us. When he starts to wake up, he gets really mad and holds his breath. Everything inside clenches down and Max stops breathing and begins to drop all his stats. The first time he did this, everyone came running and I about fell on the floor. But they have finally figured him out! Max is now off paralytics and as soon as he starts to move a little they just give him a small dose of sedation and it knocks him out again. He is making slow progress but the doctors have informed us that this is going to take time. It is finally confirmed, Max is aspirating. Each time Max is bringing up stomach contents it’s going back into his lungs causing breathing problems as well as damaging lung tissue. The doctors are finally realizing that Max’s retching episodes are creating so many problems for his heart and lungs. They are doing every test you can think of. I wish they would have reacted quicker and maybe that would have prevented it from getting to this point. But I can’t get consumed with that. It is what it is. Everything happens for a reason. Once Max is at a more stable respiratory point, they will begin testing. They will soon wean him off the ventilator but first he needs to cooperate. He needs to just rest and recover and for goodness sakes, without restraints!!

Thing are looking promising.

I promise to post another update tomorrow.  I usually hear from Patricia sometime on Saturday so hopeful we will get great news.  Our prayers are vital to help keep this mother strong, healthy, and hopeful!
Blessings to You All

Coming Next Week:  The Continuing Adventures of Gmama and Sewing Kit, sneak-peek at my RWB creations for blog hop, and another "Mary mother (1917-2003). 
 For now, I'll refer to stories about Mama, "Mary's Stories". 
 In time I'll ask you, my faithful followers, to help me decide if I should Keep Or Choose another name for "Mary's Stories"

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



Patricia just emailed an urgent message concerning our precious Baby Max.  He is the catalyst for Prayer Request Sunday and more like our little mascot for the bond that has grown between those of us who meet each Sunday to report, request and pray over the needs of one another.  
Here are the details in Patricia's own words, (Patricia is a good friend of Baby Max's mother, Gina):

The Baby Max roller coaster ride is in full swing again.   Baby Max had to be rushed by ambulance to the hospital again Father's Day night.  He has started to have retching episodes, like violent dry heaves.  The episodes were getting so frequent that it started to exhaust Baby Max and he started to choke.  He is in the cardiac ICU at Duke on a ventilator.   They have him heavily sedated so he can rest and regain his strength.   Hopefully, the doctors can figure out what is causing all this trouble for Baby Max.  Gina is needing prayers for strength, too.

Thank you for your support and prayers, Gmama.


Your comments and words of encouragement will be passed on to this exhausted and worried mother.  I love all of you so much for your empathy and willingness to pray for a little Baby boy that we only know as Baby Max.  God formed Max before we ever knew him, knows every breath Max takes, and hears our intercessory prayers for Max.  Won't you please join us in sending prayers and words of encouragement to Gina?  I will contact Patricia and give her your comments to take to Gina!


Monday, June 18, 2012


JUNE 15TH, 2012

What began as a donated quilt top of left over scraps from Marlene's Quilt Guild
back in April, 2011, is now a treasured Comfy Quilt for a precious little 10 yr. old boy
battling bone cancer.  I would like to show Wyatt's picture but I don't have his parent's permission so I'll leave the scene up to your imagination.  Once I get permission, I'll post a picture!

The Scene:
Ryan is helping his friend Wyatt hold up the quilt from Wyatt's hospital bed, bald head, face mask to protect from germs.  Actually, Wyatt ( 10 yrs. old) was new to the 4th grade class in January and due to numerous absences while searching for an answer to Wyatt's leg & hip pain, he had not had sufficient time to form any close friendships.  The diagnosis was bone cancer in his pelvis at age 10!!!!!  Their teacher, Mrs. G, reports her amazement for the empathy this class shows for each other so she wasn't at all surprised when Ryan's idea to sign their names on a quilt for Wyatt was met with resounding excitement.

My DIL & Ryan made a road trip to B'ham last Friday to deliver the quilt along with other goodies collected by the class and their parents.  I'll let you imagine the excitement Wyatt felt when Ryan entered the room and gave him the quilt!!  He was so surprised to see Ryan at first and the quilt was an even bigger surprise.  The colors really brightened up Wyatt's drab hospital room!

As mothers/grandmothers, you can well imagine the heartfelt gratitude of that mother who had been cooped up in that hospital for over a month, just to see a friendly face laden with goodies from HOME!!.  Dad and older sister are back at home trying to retain some semblance of a normal life under harrowing circumstances. 

 Can you feel her tears?  
Tears of gratitude, exhaustion, weariness, worry, sadness, and loneliness....
I finished hand quilting at 1:00a.m. Friday morning.  She was popped in the washer and dryer around 1:30. She came out of the dryer around 3:00 all scrunchy, warm, and cuddly!  My fingers were numb but I felt such a need to hand stitch Wyatt's quilt so I could pray while I stitched.  Besides, I am a much better hand quilter than a machine quilter.  My machine quilting still looks like a hot mess in my opinion.  This quilt took me 2 weeks to sandwich together, baste, and hand quilt.  I am so slow but for me that was a record.  This is a full size quilt BTW!!
To Marlene's Quilt Guild, 
Thank you so much for donating the quilt top.  Although it didn't go to a tornado victim, I think you will agree with me that Wyatt's Quilt is exactly Where and Who it should be with!

Please join me in praying for Wyatt and his family....a special prayer for strength and encouragement to his mother.  I can assure you we are going to continue to minister to this family to meet their ongoing physical needs.  Our plan is to make sure the house is professionally cleaned in anticipation of Wyatt's homecoming in mid-July and need for a germ free environment.  We will have over 2 weeks of meals scheduled as well as a well stocked pantry now and for when the family is all back home together.  Wyatt will have to return monthly to B'ham for a 3 day treatment which will require gas, meals, parking fees, etc...

Do you know of a family in your area who needs an extra hand?  Perhaps you have your own story of helping.  Why don't you share your story on your blog (if you have one) and tell us you did so.  Then we can hop over to your blog and read all about it.  Sharing our stories of helping gives us all ideas of HOW to help,  allows us the opportunity to exercise intercessory prayer, and encourages ALL of us to


Sunday, June 17, 2012

PRS JUNE 17th Fathers Day Edition

JUNE 17th, 2012
 I pray that today you are spending time with the important fathers and/or father figures in your life.  Forgive me for getting this post up a little late.  I came down with a cold yesterday evening and I went to bed before finishing this post!  I hate summer colds!!

I am waiting for my family to arrive for a backyard cook-out.  Everyone brings their own meat to drill so it doesn't make so much work for me.  I used to do it all but the girls have taken on a lot of the work which makes it much easier on me.  We have the grills hot, the table moved out to the backyard (our patio is too hot mid day) and yard games set up.  The action will soon begin as the Hillis Party of 12 gets together for Father's Day!!

#1 Husband, Daddy, PaPaw is the Star of the Show today!  He's Master Griller while #1 son and #1 Son-in-Law sidewalk supervise his cooking skills.  All three claim to be the best.  Of course #1 SIL was a chef at one time so I'm thinking the crown may go to him but shhhhhh  you didn't hear me say that!!

Thanks so much to you and the gang for your prayers. Ben has had more tests and the jury is still out but toxoplasma does not seem to be the reason for his seizures. The doctors say that the cysts would have showed up on the scans, and the eye specialist says Ben's eye problems are not the kind caused by that. While this is still an on-going concern, we are all relieved that this cause has been eliminated.
I will be so happy in July to be able to spend some time for a visit and get a first-hand update ... with lots of hugs thrown in.
Blessings, Julie

Miracle Needed:
Blog "With Heart and Hands"


Barbara Stanbro: Nancy Schuab From DollQuilt swaps:
Oops, sorry, I made my very first mistake!!  LOL!!  wink wink.  Barbara is not the person recovering...she only relayed the message.  Our prayers are for Nancy Schuab
Is recovering from infection/kneww replacement and hospital stay resulting from precious incomplete treatment of Lyme Disease several years ago.  OT ordered a sewing machine as part of her therapy but it was hard to use another machine other than her own!  Barbara will be coming home soon and will IV antibiotics for at least 3 months.  Let's pray for our fellow quilter to be able to resume her love of sewing while she recovers.  We can all empathize with her in that dept.!!

10 yr. old Grandson Ben is still in need of our ongoing prayers!

Happy Father's Day
Gmama Jane

Friday, June 15, 2012


 Cerebral Palsy does NOT define Jame
I wanted to share a picture update and let you celebrate with me all the wonderful progress my Grandson James has made in the past few months.  We measure each milestone in inches rather than miles.  However, Mr. James is showing all of us he is determined to be a typical little pre-school boy with all the joy and enthusiasm that only James can display!
James deserves a Big Gold Star!
Spring 2012 school pictures
Spiderman likes to shop too
James and Daddy play Guitar Hero
James taking Therapeutic Horse Back Riding lessons
He just thinks it's fun!  PaPaw is looking to buy a pony just for James!
James' ability to sit up, keep balanced, and use his arms and hands is major progress!
Oh, the simple movements you and I take for granted!
Here he is standing with walker and balances with left hand while pushing elevator button with right hand!!
I love his Chef's attire...Woodie on the Patootie
underwear which means James is 95% potty trained during the day!!
Think about how difficult it would be to potty train a child that can't walk or stand independently!
It's a work-out for me to try and hold him up while pulling his undies up & down.  He can hold on to the sink nowadays with pretty good success while his underwear is maneuvered.  He's telling us he has to go potty...whoop whoop!!!
James is in the green trunks.  Can you tell who the child is with CP???
He looks like all the other little boys in the pool!
Blow bubbles James!!  Good Job!
James requested I take his picture from this angle!
I had parked myself in the shade...thank you very much!
This gal doesn't sit in the sun!

Ice Cream makes any day brighter especially for little boys.
Sprinkles Please!

This is a picture of James' awesome parents; who move heaven and earth every day making sure James has every advantage possible in their goal of giving James a life well loved
After-all, isn't that what we all want in the end?

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


After she found out I had a Blogging nickname, little Miss Sassy pants decided she needed her own nickname for when she was referred to in my blog, of course!!  
Sew... SEWING KIT it is!
She spent the entire day with me in the Sewing Cave working on a Pillowcase for PaPaw on Father's Day as well as some needlecases.
We found these on PINTEREST and Sewing KIT made 2 before the afternoon was over.

SK and I Googled "Hot Dog Pillowcase Video" 
There are a TON of options but I like this 

Here are some written directions from another site that we liked.  I didn't want to repeat the "name" of the website to 7 yr. old Sewing Kit but you can handle it:

The two of us are sort of like the Blind leading the blind.
Somehow we sewed the cuff on the short end of the hot dog and can guess the rest...our hot dog looked more like a half eaten bologna sandwich!
We laughed so hard that it was almost worth the *hot mess* of a pillowcase project...
Let's just say, no one will be having sweet dreams tonight on any pillowcase made by 
Gmama and Sewing Kit!

RULE 1 in sewing:
 If Plan A goes awry...
immediately go to
Plan B
Can I Say Heaven in a Cone?

Sewing Kit   
(I think she needs her own logo)