Friday, June 15, 2012


 Cerebral Palsy does NOT define Jame
I wanted to share a picture update and let you celebrate with me all the wonderful progress my Grandson James has made in the past few months.  We measure each milestone in inches rather than miles.  However, Mr. James is showing all of us he is determined to be a typical little pre-school boy with all the joy and enthusiasm that only James can display!
James deserves a Big Gold Star!
Spring 2012 school pictures
Spiderman likes to shop too
James and Daddy play Guitar Hero
James taking Therapeutic Horse Back Riding lessons
He just thinks it's fun!  PaPaw is looking to buy a pony just for James!
James' ability to sit up, keep balanced, and use his arms and hands is major progress!
Oh, the simple movements you and I take for granted!
Here he is standing with walker and balances with left hand while pushing elevator button with right hand!!
I love his Chef's attire...Woodie on the Patootie
underwear which means James is 95% potty trained during the day!!
Think about how difficult it would be to potty train a child that can't walk or stand independently!
It's a work-out for me to try and hold him up while pulling his undies up & down.  He can hold on to the sink nowadays with pretty good success while his underwear is maneuvered.  He's telling us he has to go potty...whoop whoop!!!
James is in the green trunks.  Can you tell who the child is with CP???
He looks like all the other little boys in the pool!
Blow bubbles James!!  Good Job!
James requested I take his picture from this angle!
I had parked myself in the shade...thank you very much!
This gal doesn't sit in the sun!

Ice Cream makes any day brighter especially for little boys.
Sprinkles Please!

This is a picture of James' awesome parents; who move heaven and earth every day making sure James has every advantage possible in their goal of giving James a life well loved
After-all, isn't that what we all want in the end?


  1. what a wonderful tribute to your little grandson! My sister has a grandson with Down's syndrome (about the same age as James) and we celebrate every milestone he reaches. It is not easy having a child with disabilities, but thank goodness God is right there in control!

  2. Great pictures and a great progress report! May God continue to bless you all with huge goals accomplished. blessings, marlene

  3. Thanks Jane for the progress report on James. He really is progressing. The one thing that hasn't changed is that huge 1000 watt smile. He certainly was born into the right family. Bless you all.

  4. He is indeed a very special gift from above with a gorgeous smile. I'm glad to read that he has made such great strides in the things we all take for granted.

  5. What a darling young man! He must be a joy to all who love him...

  6. Great pictures, great progress, great family, and terrific little guy!
    Thanks for the update.

  7. Big smiles and happy tears here. Thank you so much for the wonderful update!

  8. What a precious little boy~!!! He has HEART!!! He has a Zest for LIFE! Praise the LORD! ♥♥♥

  9. A great update! Such a wonderful family from James, his parents and his grandmother! It takes them all.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  10. James is one adorable little fellow!
    It's plain to see that he has a full, if not fuller, life.
    He is blessed to have such a great Mom & Dad!

  11. A heartwarming post! And hooray for you and his parents for giving him a loving environment where he can grow and enjoy life.

  12. He is such a sweetie and I am so happy to see him doing so well, it has been a hard but such a successful year for the little guy and his parents. I know how hard this journey is and how precious everything he accomplishes is . Hugs and blessings to them all. These little guys especially love grammies that give them ice cream .

  13. Great Post mama! James is such an awesome kid and I am so blessed to be his mommy!

  14. I'm working on getting caught up on the hundreds and hundreds of blog posts that are sitting in my Google Reader and this update on your adorable grand baby warms my heart. It is wonderful to read that he is doing so well.

  15. Jane, your grandson is adorable and a real trooper, I can tell. My husband had an older brother who developed CP following surgery for a severe burn (this was many years ago.) He was 5 at the time and lived 8 more years. We have a soft spot for kids with this syndrome. James is fortunate to have such a wonderful, loving family!


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!