Sunday, July 22, 2012


JULY 22, 2012
Prayer Vigil in Aurora, Colorado





When I am afraid, I will put my trust in YOU.  
In God, whose Word I praise.  
In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid.  
What can mere man do to me?  Psalm 56:3-4

When calamity comes, the wicked are brought down,
 but even in death the righteous have a refuge.
Psalm 56:3-4

This week I received a heartfelt prayer request from Follower Friend Mary, 
 I copied and pasted her request for you to read and pray as God leads

Grandmamma Jane:
   Good Evening. I'm a regular reader/follower of your blog, and follow your prayer requests faithfully. I wonder if I could call upon you to add my Great Nephew to your list.

Caleb is now 9 years old (will be 10 in March as he likes to remind us). His mom has had her challenges through her life, but the very second she found out she was pregnant, she turned her life around, and has devoted herself to Caleb.

About a year ago, our fun loving boy developed a nasty headache & Sarah (his mom) did all the right things. After a day too long, she took him to the local health care clinic. They told her kids get headaches. (NOT!) After another couple of days, she took him to their regular doctor, who made a referral to their local Children's Hospital. 

While waiting for the appointment, Caleb's headache got worse, and worse, and his neck became very sore, and arched to the point he was looking at the ceiling. An emergency trip to Sick Kid's was made, and he was whisked off to ICU. Of course, the first thought was meningitis, but that wasn't the diagnosis. He was many days in ICU (where the wonderful staff rigged up a television to the ceiling so he could watch TV!).

Caleb was diagnosed with AVM (cerebral arteriovenous malformation is an abnormal connection between the arteries and veins in the brain that usually forms before birth.).
This occurs in less than 1% of people, and symptoms can occur at any age, but at            Caleb's age it's very rare. There is a huge risk of hemmorage, stroke, brain damage, etc. 

Because of the location of Caleb's AVM, surgery is not an option. They have operated and done what they can, but they could only go so far. They have now done radiation surgery (This procedure delivers very focused radiation directly to the area of the AVM to cause scarring and shrinkinge.)

He had a CT scan done the end of June, follow ups with his medical team early July, and everything was looking good. 

However, last weekend his head started aching again. He had vomitting with the headache the second day. His mom took him to the local ER (they were vacationing at her parents' cottage), and they said he was OK, to just monitor him, and if he got worse to get back to the city to Sick Kids.

Of course, the worse came. When Caleb woke on Monday, he had lost use of his leg & arm on one side, so a trip to the city ensued. He was admitted (after 36 hours in the ER because there were no beds available), and he has significant swelling in his brain. The paralysis is not letting up, and an MRI shows there is "significant" swelling deep in his brain where the radio surgery was performed.

He was released from hospital today, but things are dicey. Prayers for this young fellow would be greatly appreciated. Although he's on meds to relieve the swelling, his doctors aren't very hopeful, and can't give his Mom anything to hope for.

Sorry for the long winded email, I'm just off the phone with my niece, and she's beside herself. If you could add Caleb (and Sarah) to your prayer list, I would be very, very grateful.


Mary Mayhew

I've been sewing hard this past week and haven't posted.  I'll have some sneak peaks to post this week.



  1. Oh Mary! I am praying and trying not to cry reading about your dear grandson's situation! JESUS KNOWS, and He loves Caleb and Sarah! I have no idea why they have to go through this or endure it, but it isn't because JESUS wants him/them to suffer. Please know that I am joining my prayers for Caleb with others for a 100% miracle in his situation and that the LORD will heal him and restore him~ God's blessings on you too as Grandma because I know how I'd feel about my grandson going through this!~ ♥♥♥

  2. Thank you for trusting us with the prayer request. I am holding Caleb and his family in prayer. Praying that the doctors will be given wisdom and direction to treat him. Praying for comfort and peace for Caleb.

  3. Oh my! Prayers for Caleb and Sara are on the way. Thank you Gmama.

  4. I said a prayer right away for Sarah and Caleb and will continue to pray for all of the sad people in Aurora . Life is not easy and we just have to trust in God and believe that he knows what he is doing. God gave us free will but I know he didn't want us to do these terrible things that people choose to do. Blessings and hugs Sandra

  5. My heart hurts for this family, and my prayers are being added to others. Our God is the great healer so I'm asking for miraculous and rapid healing for this young man, and if not that then a release from his pain through some wonderful medications. I'm praying for strength and grace for both he and his mother. blessings, marlene

  6. I can't begin to imagine what this family is going through right now - will definitely be praying for them.
    This morning in church, our worship leader mentioned that a year ago, we were praying for the people of Norway after the mass murders committed there - and this year, the world is once again mourning the senseless loss of innocent people. Our world needs us to be light-bearers. I'll be praying for the people of Aurora too.

  7. Prayers being said now for Caleb, and for Sarah, to ease their pain and suffering. Praying for the doctors to find a way to help heal this young man.

  8. Thank you all so much for your prayers, and kind wishes. I'll keep Jane up to date as things progress. My heart feels lighter with your prayers, and the burden feels lighter being shared. Thanks again Mary

  9. Yes, I am praying for Caleb and Sarah, and for Mary too.

  10. Thank you for keeping us aware and focused. I have added Caleb and Sarah to my list... and the doctors as well.

  11. Joining all of the prayer warriors here in lifting up Caleb, his mom, and the doctors. Praying that mom and Caleb feel God's presence with them. Hugs.


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!