Wednesday, August 15, 2012



First Day of School vs. First Day of College. Much to consider!

First Days...we all have many in a lifetime.  Many of you young Moms are facing that 

"First Day" of school.   While some of you are packing up college bound children for 

that FIRST opportunity to experience freedom and independance while you spend

many a sleepless night worrying and wondering if you 

prepared them well enough for this all important step toward adulthood. 

I laughed when I saw this cartoon because I've been reading so many Facebook posts 

of the "My baby is going to school without me" variety.  

I was teaching school when each of my three children entered Kindegarten so for me it

 was all about not having to pay Daycare fees!  Another perk for me was the fact that 

my children would be attending the same school at which I taught special education. 

Tears of joy were more the variety I shed and sort of "poo pooed" those other moms

 crying over little Johnny's First Day of School.  Oh but life has a way of making sure 

you regret shining your Halo at such an early age. Yes indeed, a lotta crow was eaten 

with humility as I made up for those piously unshed tears when #1 Son left home for 

college.  You would have thought someone had died here on the Farm.  The entire 

family made the loooong trek to Montevallo that fateful Aug. day, 1994.  Our family, 

minus One, returned in one  car, without a word being spoken, the first 150 miles. As         

is common practice in our family when all heck breaks lose, we eat Ice Cream!  Not 

wanting to break tradition, #1 Husband pulled into the first Ice Cream joint he spotted.  

Quietly, the four of us, sat in a booth and began eating our ice cream.  Slowly, the 

words came, one...then two...then a whole sentence... until #1 Husband told his FIRST 

Joke.  We all knew at that moment, we were going to be okay...different...but Okay...a 

little sad...more like a LOT sad...a vacancy at the booth noticeable but unspoken.

FIRST DAY's are memorable for different reasons.  Some are exciting.  Some are sad.

Next week, will be a First for Gmama and #1 Husband.  It will be the first day one or 

both of us has not spent the first day of school as an educator.  BOTH of us will NOT be 

headed to school for the first time in 46 years.  Rest assured no tears will be shed!  We 

plan on going to one of our favorite Breakfast restaurants, talk with all the other retired 

teachers and friends, read the paper, and enjoy a good cuppa coffee TOGETHER. 

 Here's to many more FIRSTS for Gmama and #1 Husband!

Here's hoping your First Days of the past will be remembered with gratitude and First

 Days of the Future will be full of Hope and Expectation.



  1. Replies
    1. Are you sending any kiddos off to school or know of any in the family?? I get tickled at these Mamas getting so worked up.
      Gmama Jane

  2. Loved the cartoon. Enjoy this First, and many more to come. pS-take phone off the hook, or use caller block for your old school-just in case!

    1. I like your phone advice!! We've gone one step farther in that we have changed phone carriers and gotten a completley new phone number!!! Ha!!! Roger's old school has called him at least 4 times since Aug. 1st not counting the times his replacement has called him to ask a question!
      Glad you liked the cartoon. I did too!
      Gmama Jane

  3. And here I am, waiting for the first call for substitute teaching! Have fun!

    1. So good to hear from you!! I do NOT plan to do any substitute teaching in the near future. I'm what you call burned out!! Hubby and I are getting ready for some major remodeling, a trip back to Homecoming Week-end at our Alma Mater Oct. 6th, and then a week at the beach with Daughter and family the last full week of Oct. I love the beach in the fall! Roger and I are thinking about spending a couple of weeks at the beach in Jan. to get a feel for being a *snow bird*. We're really looking forward to this retirement thing!! How is Ben???
      Love and Blessings

  4. I saw this cartoon first on FB and it made me smile. Your new "First Day" sounds very sweet! I hope your retirement is all you hope for!!

    1. Thank you sweet Sharon...we got some worrisome news back from his thyroid ultrasound today and he goes for a biopsy Monday morning! Please pray!
      Gmama Jane

  5. Enjoy you new time together I'm jealous, I'll be heading back to the first day of school.


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!