Sunday, December 23, 2012



 The world is changing and after this past week with the tragedy in Connecticut where 20 little children were massacred along with 7 adults, we know more than ever, evil is a part of the world we live in.  Let's take a moment to hug one another, be kind, and cherish our families like never before.  
I worship a risen Savior who came to this world as a tiny infant, born of the Virgin Mary in the most lowly of circumstances, lived a perfect sinless life on earth, was crucified, at age 33, died on an Old Rugged Cross, was buried in a borrowed tomb, and arose on the third day as had been foretold.  I believe He did all this to pay the price for my sin because I could never DO ANYTHING to make myself "good enough" to stand before a Holy God.  The shedding of blood had to be part of the plan.

God had to make a plan so that His creation could have eternal life with Him.  The plan was Jesus.  I can't explain why it had to be that way, but I do believe that when I repented of my sins in Nov. 1998, asked God to forgive me and take over my life as ruler and King, I was *SAVED*.  Saved from eternal separation from my Savior, I now KNOW without a shadow of doubt that Upon my death or the Second Coming, I will be in the presence of God.  

Christmas is The Greatest Story Ever Told and to me personally, the Christ Child came because;
God so loved the world that he gave His only son that we should not perish but have everlasting life...John 3:16
The Real Reason For The Season

 Nothing tells the Christmas story quite like a Children's play complete with little girls and slightly askew angel halos made from wire coat hangers, Shepherds in  men's bathrobes, the Three Kings in Burger King Crowns, a feed trough from a local farmer's barn serving as the manger, the newest baby in the congregation sharing the honor of depicting this year's Christ Child (watching the nervous mother on the front row poised to *catch* her baby just in case  someone should toss the young child in a nervous attempt to break a fall!!),  or the aluminum foil wrapped Star atop the manger scene...the humbleness of it all is what makes Christmas come alive for me.

  I hope you have a child to watch in a Christmas program somewhere and if not, go to one anyway.  You will smile and even laugh but you will leave feeling a little less cynical and a whole lot more hopeful.
I found 2 images when looking for manger scenes.
This vintage MANGER SCENE
and THEN...

A town in Massachusetts made all manger scenes be renamed, "Holiday Barns"

Dear God, 
Forgive us for they Know Not what they do!

 Christmas Eve at Great Grandmother's Home

 Merry Christmas


  1. Jane, I love your little presents mini quilt up top -- that's *so* cute!! Merry Christmas to you and yours, sweet friend!! Much love and hugs!! :)

  2. A very Merry Christmas to you! I hope you enjoy your day.

  3. We have the Little People manger seen in out in our home every Christmas. the girls love it and so do I. Have a very Merry Christmas, Gmama!

  4. Oh my. That should say: we have the Fisher Price Little People Manger scene displayed in our home every Christmas. I was interrupted by one of my angels as I was typing my response above.

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I love your post! Isn't it amazing that no matter how hard unbelievers try to remove Christ from Christmas you still hear..."Joy To The World The Lord Has Come" being sung in malls and on the radio! For over 2000 years man has tried to wipe out Christianity but today we still worship the King of Kings!


  6. Merry Christmas Jane to you and all of the family may it bring many blessings and great happiness with your family.Love Sandra


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!