Thursday, July 4, 2013



I am so grateful for living in what I believe to be The Greatest Country in the world.  Although there are many many aspects of our current government that I vehemently disagree with, The United States of America is still a country ruled by the Order of Law.  I look at the millions of Egyptians celebrating in the streets of Cairo after a military coup resulting in the ousting of their recently elected President.  

Although Egypt was supposedly ruled by a democratically elected new President, the people did not like the new President's attempts to make Egypt an Islamic State.  Being a news junkie, I follow all of the world news and try to watch and read both sides of every issue in order to give me a balanced Big Picture.  However, I can't remove myself from who I am and the basis for many of my beliefs.  I am a Born again Christian who believes the Bible is the inerrant word of God. Our countries forefathers were God fearing (at least 99%  I think old Thomas Jefferson had some issues but he was still very conservative in his thinking about most things).  I am troubled by my country's need to be so politically correct.

It reminds me of how our forefathers did not want England forcing the State's religion on everyone.  Our current  religious freedom came at a Great price.  Our continued freedom continues to be won at a great Price.  Let us not forget our men and women serving around the world to maintain freedom for this Land of the Free and Home of the Brave..

So on this 4th of July, 2013 may we all stop and pause and give thanks for the freedoms we enjoy in this country.  There is no place quite like the United States of America.  Many countries simply don't "get us".  We are an eclectic bunch but we are Americans.  


Go here for some past Patriotic Humor



  1. Well said, Gmama Jane! A lovely post! God Bless America!

  2. Amen Amen, I enjoyed your post and agree. Popped over here from the Doll Quilt Swap Blog. Welcome back to it. Like your favorite scripture - one of my favorites too. Lynn

  3. Jane, I sent you an email, please take a peek, hope it is not in spam.


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