Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Get You!

Not many people outside my family circle "GET ME"  so to speak.  I love fiercely and will fight to the death to protect one of my own.  I am often daughters would say ALWAYS blunt..nevertheless, you never need to doubt where you stand with me.  I care deeply, I love deeply, I give without wanting in return, I am passionate about my husband of 38 yrs and can not dream of life without him.  Which brings out the real reason for this post.  Two friends of mine lost their husbands as recent as Sat. morning.  Neither husband had been sick but died suddenly of a heart attack and both wives were going about their regular routine when they FOUND Robert and Wayne...already in the arms of Jesus.

My dear friends, this hits too close to home.  Some of you have even grieved the loss of a mate...your soul mate...the love of your life.  I want to say to young couples especially young wives...please, please, please, learn to pick your battles, love your husband warts and all, and learn to live "HAPPY".  By that I mean, learn to live as the apostle Paul said.."Content in whatever state I am in"

Here is a picture of #1 Husband and I, 2 yrs ago at the beach on a family vacation in October. He gets least most of the time but I have to say he gets me in the areas that really matter.  He understands my rhythm of life, my routines, my need for rest when everyone else is gearing up for round TWO.  #1 is content to have me sit beside him in my chair and quilt while we watch our "shows" like tow old codgers.  He know how I like my eggs cooked and how many Splendas I use in my coffee (well sometimes he forgets but Most of the time he remembers!).  He understands my need for "alone" time but it still drives him crazy that I leave the tops off EVERYTHING. 

 My daughters have become my best and truest friends...two of a handful of people I truly TRUST!  Life does that to you unfortunately.  You think you know someone and then they betray your trust.  I had that happen in the last 3 yrs.   Two friends of mine betrayed my trust and I'm still reeling from it's effects.  One friendship had lasted 14 yrs...I learned that for some the need for power and position outweighs a friendship.  The following pictures are of people who not only Get ME but I GET THEM and besides loving them...I TRUST THEM with my heart and soul.
Daughter # 2 and comic relief in my life
The women in my life who "Get Me"
Ok, one little gentleman got in the picture but he counts!
Grandsons Ryan and Clay  up to mischief!
Emma Grace...don't you love the tats???
#1 son and his 4th child's birth.  He's still MY BABY BOY!
Halloween 2009, #1 son and #1 DIL son LOVE STAR WARS
#1 Daughter and #1 Granddaughter being crafty!
Family Prank...long story! I won't divulge whose behind this is!!!

SISTERS #1 & #2 on a day they're getting along!
MY SCOTT...doing his exercises
MY son running his nephew and my Grandson in a RACE.  That's a good UNCLE

My Sister and BEST FRIEND
57th Birthday Daddy & my #1 SIL holding James!!

Yes...these precious ones really GET ME

Gmama Jane


  1. Jane, what a lovely post and so many true words too. We have been together nearly as long as you, we celebrated 35 years married recently but we count the two years before that as well. Our families and friends are the most precious things in our lives. (although I must say chocolate comes a close second.......*grin*)

  2. Right from the heart Jane, my husband said goodbye to one of his dearest friends just yesterday, suddenly and oh sew unexpected. Always a reminder of how little time we have here. This does hit home for me for a hundred reasons. I don't like to waste any time. And I am reminded if I only had one week left, with whom and what would I be doing ...I am doing it...You love everyday like this was your last..that is the lesson..and you do it with passion..sounds like you most certainly do..I get it wink...

  3. We share so many commonalities, Jane, I feel like there should be a picture of me up there, too! Hugs!! :)

  4. Loved your post. Why have we lost loved ones unexpectedly??? Husband just got back from funeral of good friend. Although we knew he was dying still unexpected. On a brighter note, may I send the "I Get You" picture to my sis, please? Thanks

  5. Beautiful post! And, I totally GET what you are saying here...:) It does hurt when someone you really thought was trust worthy breaks that trust...:/ It makes me all the more grateful for the people who do get me, and for those whom I know would never "intentionally" try to hurt me. Those that truly have my best interests at heart.

    I always think of the words of an old song by, Steve and Annie Chapman, when I am dealing with my hurting heart. Some of the lyrics: "Open arms leave the heart unprotected, let the Healer heal the heart when it hurts"...I believe those are the words? :)

    Sorry for the loss of your dear friends. Hugs and prayers are being sent to you today, dear Jane.

    xoxo Gloria
    p.s. I loved all of those very sweet aprons in your last post. They are adorable hung out on the clothes line too...:) The tea cozy was such a thoughtful gift. Love it!

  6. First of all Jane I am so sorry about your friends. I know that hurts. I loved your pictures and your sentiments. And I just have to tell you that if I still had dark hair people would think we're sisters. We really look alike! :) blessings, marlene


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!