Sunday, April 10, 2011


Have you ever had a day that you wish you could have just gone home, slipped into bed, pulled the covers over your head, PRAYED,  THEN got up and Started OVER???

WELL...This past Thursday was one of those days!  It started off rather smoothly but by 8:00 a.m. I knew I was in WAAAAy over my head!  I was charged with taking my Grandson James
to Pre School.  His Mother/my daughter had hernia repair surgery so James spent the night with Grandmama and PaPaw.  If you have never dealt with a child with special needs you have no idea how much extra "STUFF" they come with!

You need to know that I am NOT a mechanical whizz kid by any means!  I have trouble operating our TV remote and if it ever finds itself OFF the cable???....I have been known to call my husband while out in the middle of a lake fishing to ask HOW or WHAT button to push to find my way back to OPRAH or HGTV.

Putting shoes on James is quite a process which includes braces, straps, pads, velcro, special made shoes and scrunched toes NOT wanting to fit inside the shoe.  I finally get them on with minimal groans and ouchies.  

I get him dressed which is difficult with a child that doesn't sit up without leaning to his right and left if not placed in just the right position.  We eat breakfast together and as I help feed him, his precious little hands reach over and begin rubbing my arm and he them leans over to kiss me and says, "I wuv ooo (you) Gwanmommie". 

I load up the car with walker and because I don't have his wheelchair, I have to take a stroller so the teachers will have some form of transportation other than the walker.  I then take him out to the car to buckle James in his car seat.....Oh NO!!  I can't get the bottom buckle to insert correctly...Oh Well, the buckle is turned around backwards but  I get it snapped...Whew, and we're FINALLY OFF to school.
Here is an old picture of James eating in his car seat.  He was NOT eating last Thurs..
Once we get to school, 30 MINUTES LATE I might add!!...I pull up to the wrong door and am directed to another side entrance which is locked and I have to BANG on the door to get someone to let me in.  
THEN... the big problem happens!
Remember that buckle that was turned backwards??  
Well, I can't get it to unlock!! 
Thinking it's due to my lack of hand strength (bone spur on right thumb) I get help.  A teacher's aide comes out and tries to unlock the buckle...No Luck!  
By then James is becoming upset.  
Special needs children do not deal with stress and lots of people up in their face.  
Another teacher luck...Another teacher tries....still no luck!
James is NOW SCREAMING, I'm CRYING, and everyone is trying to think of what to do other than cutting the straps to the car seat.
One More time cries out Mrs. Willow...let me try ONE MORE TIME.
 By now, I'm a basket case and Jame's aide is trying to not only console James but Grandmama as well.  James is carried into the classroom and I stay to watch thru a two-way mirror to make sure he's OK.  he finally settles down and I leave.

I stop by McD's to get some much needed coffee
and on my way home I realize....
Oh NO!!!
I forgot to give James lunch money!!
So....I turn around, go all the way back to school and take his lunch money to the front office.  I don't dare risk James seeing me again and crying to come home.
I'm now driving home, trying to decompress, listening to Kenny Roger's new CD of Old HYMMS, sipping my coffee, when ...

All I can do by now is burst out laughing!
Thankfully, my cell phone was fully charged and I called my WONDERFUL son who came to rescue me!!!  Love My Matthew!!!
Needless to say, I was happy to be home! and it is 11:00 a.m.  This saga began at 7:00 a.m.!!
What happened to my FREE morning of sewing and quilting before grocery shopping and picking up Grandson Scott from Pre-school at 12:00 ??

AWWWWW.....just to be a sleeping baby without a care in the world for one morning...

May I Please have a Do-Over??? 

Gmama Jane


  1. I've had days like that...awful! So glad it's over and today's another day. :) blessings, marlene

  2. Aww, sweetie! I know how you feel, we have had days like that. The good news is that kids forget quickly and they love you regardless.

  3. Oh Jane I sure do know days like that, I often have them with Jonah and the tears have come. He to gets very frustrated when things don't go well like not being able to unlock seatbelts(done that a few times), meanwhile he is screaming at me and trying to pinch me because he is so frustrated to.Charity is right ten mins. later they are kissing you and telling you they love you. We want to do so much to help these little guys and feel like such failures when it doesn't happen. Blessings dear friend tomorrow will be better day.

  4. Oh no! Just tell yourself it must get better because it can't get worse, and keep smiling.

  5. Blessings to you too my dear! thank you for all the sweet words :)

  6. Oh dear, oh my, oh gee, this has happened to me,
    I think it is a TEST and I think YOU won!...
    coffee always helps....and thinking about that..I am off to pour me one..x

  7. What a cutie he is....can I have a life do over???

  8. Bless your dear Grandma heart! God is smiling, I am sure, as he watches all the love you are giving to your precious family in this time of need. How wonderful you can live close enough to be of such a help to them!



Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!