Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year 2012



My first REAL post of 2012 will be Monday morning, Jan. 2, 2012.  I have so much to be thankful for and the year 2011 brought so many of YOU into my life.  TO those of you who FOLLOW Grandmama's Stories, let me tell you how humbled I am that you take time out of your day to read and comment on my blog.

A Dear friend and follower, Sandra D. recently sent me a precious ANGEL ornament from her "Heaven's Little Angels" ornament collection... prophetically called "Gentle Hugs".  I can't tell you how much this angel has meant to me not only as a lovely gift but in many ways God revealed His answer to my prayer for 2012 through this angel. Rather than New Year's Resolutions I prefer to think and meditate on a word or focus for the upcoming year.  Last year my word/focus was HOPE.  In so many ways, Hope was renewed in the areas I most needed it to be revealed.  

For whatever reason, I just could not find my word for 2012.  I at first selected the word CONTENT but on further consideration, I realized I am already's just not an area I need to improve or wish for because I'm already there.  I selected the word rather than MY Father.

I knew I wanted to be kinder, more sensitive to the needs of others, and to work harder in the nurture of certain relationships. In Sandra's sweet note, she noted that I had been an "angel" to others.  Humbled by her compliment, I felt it very undeserved and thereby  resolved to truly BE "angel-like" in my relationships with family, friends, and strangers placed in my path by divine intervention. 

I have a tendency to be a little "snarky"... a word I use to describe my behavior when I'm sarcastic, smartalec, edgy, etc...  I sometimes say things that are misinterpreted because of my dry sense of humor.  Therefore, I want to be  more "angel-like"  yet not losing my sense of humor, just more in tune with how my words effect others.  I may have the best of intentions but if those good intentions are not perceived as well intentioned then what have I accomplished?  
Thus, my WORD 
for 2012
to remind me of my FOCUS, my PURPOSE, my DIRECTION for  

I'll see you Monday, Jan. 2nd, 2012
Let's make it a Great year to get our creative juices flowing... to sew together, quilt together, create together, laugh together, cry together, share together, pray together, encourage each other, and GROW together!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas Blessings

Merry Christmas Blessings

My family to Your Family

I haven't been posting as much and I'm sure you can understand that Christmas at GMama's house is in full swing.  I'm only 1 gift away from being finished and tomorrow looks like one more round of baking. 
I've been sewing frantically in my sewing cave trying to finish up those last minute gifts.  I can't share since someone may peek at this post and get a clue as to what their gift may be!

 Let me share these easy Scrap Fabric Ornaments you can make with all the left over snippets of fabric.  

You Will Need:
Styrofoam balls (med. size my preference)
Assorted fabric squares from 1 1/2 in., 2 1/2 in. or 3 in.
Blunt pencil (colored pencils very dull work great)
Ribbon for making a hanging loop
Straight pin

Take fabric square place on styrofoam ball and punch the middle with pencil just enough to anchor the fabric square.  Do this with each fabric square covering the entire ball to suit your taste.  I like mine full and colorful. Make a ribbon loop and secure with a couple of straight pins. I used an assortment of some "ugly" fabric squares but made a GREAT looking fabric ornament which made a colleague very happy to take home for her tree.  I made enough for my Sunday School class.  Makes a great activity while watching TV or a Ballgame as is the case most of the time in my home.

Scrap Fabric Ornament

I am taking a Blogging break till after Christmas sometime and possibly after the 1st of the Year!
May the love of Christ be with you during the Holiday season and for 2012.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Putting up the Christmas Tree

I have a Love/Hate relationship with my Christmas Tree
  From childhood up till 5 yrs. ago, nothing but a LIVE Christmas tree was allowed in the house.  Some of my BEST childhood memories were going to Hale's Christmas Tree farm in West Virginia, picking out the perfect tree, my Daddy cutting down the tree, carrying it home on top of the car and watching my Dad wrestle with an old fashioned stand...a board nailed to the bottom of the tree!
 Who remembers these silver trees from the 60's with a color wheel!!
5 yrs. ago, #1 husband and I contracted the Nashville flu (at least that's what we call it.  3 weeks before Christmas,we went to see the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at the Opryland Theater in Nashville, Tenn. and by the time Baby Jesus was born and the Three Wise Men sauntered down the auditorium aisle, we had the full blown FLU.
Needless to say, neither of us felt like putting up Christmas decorations, much less a Christmas Tree.  The Corner of the Den where the tree ALWAYS stands, remained vacant while Ma and Pa sat lay in their matching recliners too sick to pass the remote.  The offspring were more concerned about there being no Christmas tree than they were that Ma and Pa were on their death bed.
Finally, Baby Girl and #1 daughter felt compelled to put the tree up themselves while we supervised from the cheap seats recliners.
 This is not my home, I just loved this wall hanging!
It was from this point on that I have felt no love for anything regarding the "putting up" of the Yuletide Tree. #1 husband and I have figured out if we leave "the tree corner" flagrantly EMPTY, sort of like a Christmas tree version of "chicken", two of the three offspring will swerve and decorate the tree for us. #1 son could care less but would put it up if we asked.  The girls, being girls, just know it has to be done.  It's one of the perks of having girls.  Sons are usually not the sentimental type.  Know what I mean?
courtesy of Carol T.  aka  mamacjt
Our contribution to "putting up the Tree" is  getting the tree out of storage, into the bed of the Ford 150, up the front steps of the Farmhouse, and into THE CORNER!  We're thinking that next year if we play our cards just right, we may figure out a way to connive hand over this chore as well especially since I don't see us chopping down a tree anytime soon.
A children's Book
A Season in Poem's and Quilts
A must read for every quilter
Once the tree is decorated, I love touching each ornament and reminiscing about where we were, what we were doing, or what the ornament represents.  I love sitting in the evening with just the light of the tree, a good cup of coffee, and Christmas music in the background, 
or better yet....
watching a New Episode of NCIS, NCIS L.A., Person of Interest, Blue Bloods, The Mentalist, or Criminal Minds (my 6 TOP watched shows)
NCIS 150th episode celebration

As much as I loved putting up the Christmas tree when I was little and as the children were growing up and all home under one roof, my "LOVE" of the Christmas Tree is more After the fact...AFTER my girls have swooped in and saved me from a Treeless Christmas.  I get to enjoy all the perks of having a tree without all the yuck....  the yuck of  being reminded that my children are all grown, that my mother has been gone 8 Christmas's now, that I'm reduced to getting my tree out of a storage building rather than being cut down while on a family outing, that there will be no little ones waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve at my house, and that I can no longer hear the bell ring (watch Polar Express to understand this metaphor).

Once the Tree is up, I'm reminded that long ago, a child was born of a Virgin, in a manger, lived a sinless perfect life, was crucified at age 33, was buried in a borrowed tomb, arose the third day and sits at the right hand of the Father....all because I NEEDED A SAVIOR.

Here are some Beautiful Christmas Trees I found online for your viewing pleasure



Tuesday, December 6, 2011



Do you participate in many of the various quilting type "swaps" available in our virtual Blogworld?
Up till now, if something wasn't sponsored by the blog, Sew We Quilt and Madame Samm I didn't much bother.  Although, I did participate in 2 apron swaps on Flirty Apron Swap.  It was fun and I received much better than I gave.  And THERE in lies the rub...I don't trust my sewing skills to measure up with most of you in the Quilt/Sewing World. I have this bad dream of someone receiving a package from me and giving a big ol Southern,

"Good Lord have mercy, what in the world is this?  That poor little thing thinks she can sew.  I hate to hurt her feelings but I'll never use this.  It's SO BAD, I won't even be able to REGIFT it."

SEW, with all these feelings whirling around in my head, what did I do???  Yep, you guessed it....I signed on with Jane at Jane's Fabrics and her WONKY HOUSE SWAP/SIGNATURE BLOCKS SWAP.
I found these examples in blogland but can't "member"(as Sidekick Scott says) where

Another Wonky House   
Wonky Houses in progress

 No you didn't??  Afraid so....Some poor soul out there will have to receive two of my blocks.  My reasoning for participating was this:  Each of us swappers gets 12 different Wonky House blocks and 12 different Signature Blocks from totally different quilters so ONE TRULY WONKY per quilt does not a bad quilt make.  Right?!  Please humor me and tell me I've not used up ALL my common sense!

I found some examples of signature blocks as well.  These look easy problemo.

I'm actually excited about participating because this Wonky House swap appeals to my quirky sense of humor.  Here is the link so you can join in IF there's room.  Jane, (the Jane that can REALLY SEW and has her own  ETSY Store) is only excepting 60 wonky blockers (my term, not her's)

Would you like to get your WONKY on and join us? If so, just WONKY on over to
P.S.  Say a little prayer for those receiving my blocks!! LOL

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Occupy Your "Girl Cave"/#1 Husband Update


Barb at Cat Patches
posted this idea 
I found it over the weekend.
My thoughts were if those folks can "Occupy Wall Street"
then us QUILTERS can (in my case)"Occupy Our Sewing Caves"

I plan on making some quick projects for gifts
 Remember MUG RUGS...last Years sewing craze??
I'm here to tell you, I still have the Mug Rug Bug!
These little mini quilts are perfect for gift giving and I plan on making several.
Here are some samples from quilters last year that I copied!

I went to our local Craft Fair this past Friday afternoon and boy Oh Boy did I find some cute ideas. You've seen them but it's always good to have someone remind you at how easy it would be to make something simple to give especially when you have a large number to buy for such as the girls in the office, school faculty, daycare workers, nurses in labor & delivery, NICU nurses, Sunday School class, etc...

 Look at the fabric choices!!  I'm making 47 for some precious senior citizens at a nursing home.  My youngest daughter adopted a local nursing home and has taken upon herself to make Goodie Bags for over 60 residents.  This child of mine helped care for her Grandmother, My Mother, who had Alzheimer's and has a genuine love for the elderly.  She told me today, "Mama, I always say I wish I had adopted a nursing home resident for Christmas.  Well, this year, I'm going to really do it.  I've adopted 60 residents at one of the poorer nursing homes where I live.  Do you want to make something?"
Thus, the Kleenex Holder idea was pulled out of my bag o' tricks

Here is a tutorial if you're interested in joining me.  I'm making 60 of these little cuties in my sewing cave this week.

  1. How to Sew a Cloth Tissue Holder for Your Purse

    • 1
      Measure a 7 x 5 ½ inch square on a sheet of typing paper. Cut the shape out. This will be your tissue holder pattern. Label the pattern so when you store it, so you will remember what it is for and can reuse it.  Measure the width of the fabric and cut a strip. Then take the strip and cut the lengths. You can cut both pieces of fabric at once with this process by placing one piece of fabric on top of the other. This makes the task go faster.
    • 2
      Select two coordinating fabrics. Iron the fabric. The project takes only a few square inches of fabric making this is a perfect project to use leftover remnant fabrics. Specialty fabrics are ideal because they are bright and colorful and have fun motifs. The choice of fabric can personalize the tissue holder making it a fun gift.  Using the pattern cut two pieces of fabric one from each pattern.
    • 3
      Place top side of the fabric together and pin the short edge (5 ½ inch) sides together. Sew a ½ inch seam from short edge on each side.
    • 4
      Turn the tissues holder right side out and iron.
    • 5
      Inside out
      Fold the finished edges towards the center and then pin the raw edges together. The folds measure 1 ½ from the long edge and should come together in the center of the tissue holder. Sew a ½ inch seam from the short edge.
    • 6
      Turn the tissue holder right side out. Use a ruler to push the fabric into place in each corner. Place tissues into the tissue holder.


Assorted Holiday Fabric Squares 2 1/2 in. small/med. 
                                                        3 1/2in.----4 1/2 in. large
Styrofoam Balls - assorted sizes
Ribbon for Hanger

I use pinking shears to cut out my squares.  Take the eraser end of pencil, place in center of square and push into styrofoam ball.  Repeat over the entire ball making sure to cover the styrofoam and make the ball full looking.  Vary your color themes.  I am making some Blue and White ones as well and Black and Gold.  Loop your ribbon and use a straight pin to pin ribbon hanger to the top of ball. Use picture for reference.  Go Crazy, Have some fun...this a great project to do with your children or better yet, YOUR GRANDCHILDREN!!  WHOO HOO!!!

 Make sure you check out SEW WE QUILT for more Christmas Projects

I'm busy making all of the above projects plus THREE more projects I'll share with you on Wed.  Let me Know what you are making so I can come visit you!

#1 Husband Update:
Orthopedic Dr. would NOT release Mr. Gmama to go back to work!  He will re-evaluate #1 on Jan. 4th and then not sure if he'll release the big guy.  Dr. is afraid of my hubby being bumped in the school hall or put in a situation of having to defend himself which would destroy the shoulder.  Doc says the shoulder is VERY FRAGILE (remember this word FRAGILE printed on the Award box to the Dad in the movie The Christmas Story???  so funny) due to it being a "Re-Section"

Come Back Wednesday for more Gift Ideas and some Sneak Peeks