Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year 2012



My first REAL post of 2012 will be Monday morning, Jan. 2, 2012.  I have so much to be thankful for and the year 2011 brought so many of YOU into my life.  TO those of you who FOLLOW Grandmama's Stories, let me tell you how humbled I am that you take time out of your day to read and comment on my blog.

A Dear friend and follower, Sandra D. recently sent me a precious ANGEL ornament from her "Heaven's Little Angels" ornament collection... prophetically called "Gentle Hugs".  I can't tell you how much this angel has meant to me not only as a lovely gift but in many ways God revealed His answer to my prayer for 2012 through this angel. Rather than New Year's Resolutions I prefer to think and meditate on a word or focus for the upcoming year.  Last year my word/focus was HOPE.  In so many ways, Hope was renewed in the areas I most needed it to be revealed.  

For whatever reason, I just could not find my word for 2012.  I at first selected the word CONTENT but on further consideration, I realized I am already's just not an area I need to improve or wish for because I'm already there.  I selected the word rather than MY Father.

I knew I wanted to be kinder, more sensitive to the needs of others, and to work harder in the nurture of certain relationships. In Sandra's sweet note, she noted that I had been an "angel" to others.  Humbled by her compliment, I felt it very undeserved and thereby  resolved to truly BE "angel-like" in my relationships with family, friends, and strangers placed in my path by divine intervention. 

I have a tendency to be a little "snarky"... a word I use to describe my behavior when I'm sarcastic, smartalec, edgy, etc...  I sometimes say things that are misinterpreted because of my dry sense of humor.  Therefore, I want to be  more "angel-like"  yet not losing my sense of humor, just more in tune with how my words effect others.  I may have the best of intentions but if those good intentions are not perceived as well intentioned then what have I accomplished?  
Thus, my WORD 
for 2012
to remind me of my FOCUS, my PURPOSE, my DIRECTION for  

I'll see you Monday, Jan. 2nd, 2012
Let's make it a Great year to get our creative juices flowing... to sew together, quilt together, create together, laugh together, cry together, share together, pray together, encourage each other, and GROW together!


  1. I love your idea of focus for the year. I named one of my daughters, Angela, as a reminder to me to be cognizant of the angels in our lives, and our own ability to be an angel to someone as well. Please do not forget that balance in life is important, a little devilish sarcasm or snarky humor is okay once in a while, too...right? Here's to 2012, GMama!

  2. What wonderful purpose for 2012! I just want to spend 2012 holding grandbabies and driving back and forth between them. And Jane, my friend, you have a lovely sense of humor and a darling, generous, and giving spirit. Hugs! :)

  3. Love your word. That is mine too...whenever things get too much i just say it over and over again :)

    happy New Year!

  4. Thank you for visiting and your sweet comments! I'll have to think of a word....Happy New Year!

  5. I shall try to adopt your word, Lord knows, I need to be more "angel like". Thank goodness there are angels watching over us!

  6. Hi Jane, I am so glad you received your angel and I felt you really deserved it. I have also been looking for a word and I am thinking of the word "accomplish" but I am not sure yet. Have a wonderful New Year and I will be in touch. Blessings

  7. From your description, I could be your clone, when it comes to being sarcastic, snarky, etc. Sometimes, folks don't get my sense of humor. I have been working on my sharp tongue this past year. It gets easier with practice! I wish for you a wonderful 2012.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  8. Hi Jane, you are what you are, and we love you just the way you are. I would rather have a dry sense of humour, than no sense of humour, or be a wet blanket. I like your idea of a word for the year, instead of an easy to break resolution. My boss often calls me a smart a**-but he does say it with a smile. Maybe my humour is as dry as yours :) Gotta find me a word, hm. Happy New Year

  9. I have enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to many more in the coming year. I especially enjoy having a few points to ponder. Happy New Year!

  10. Here's to a beautiful New Year! Thank you for sharing with us!!

  11. A great word Jane and a worthy one to focus on. I've not chosen one yet - not sure if I will. Maybe it should be focus since I don't seem to be able to. :) blessings, marlene

  12. I love your word. (I collect angels.)
    Happy New Year!

  13. Great outlook you have for the coming year. I am much on the same wave-length. I have been much too short tempered this past year and have vowed to be more patient with others and use a kinder more calm tone of voice. (Lord help me, for I shall need all the help I can get). :-) Happy New Year!


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!