Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Prayer Request

January 2012
James, 4 yrs. ,born premature, diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy 

 James will be having a 2nd surgery this Thursday, Jan. 5th, 2012 at St. Louis Children's Hospital to lengthen the heel cords.  Another procedure having to do with the leg muscles is possible dependent upon a pre-surgery evaluation.

The fear is the Dr. will go too deep, lengthen too much, and result in an irreversible floppy head and back (not a very medical explanation but the best I can come up with)  James will be under general anesthesia which always worries me because he has lung issues as well.

As you may imagine, I can't begin to concentrate on anything else this week but my precious James.  School starts back this week so my Sidekick Scott will return and its time to go back to the orthopedic Dr. to see if #1 husband can return to work after being off work for 2 1/2 months due to shoulder surgery.  If you have followed my blog for very long, you know "THAT STORY"  LOL!

My Dear Friends, May I ask for your Prayers for my Grandson James.
Pray that the Doctors hands and eyes will work together perfectly as they make the incision, that James will tolerate anesthesia with no problems, that the heel cord will be cut precisely, that no infection will invade his little body, that his pain level will be manageable if not negligible, that his parents will be at peace, and that this surgery will further James' progress toward independent walking.

Here is a video put together by my daughter that chronicles James' Journey from birth till now.

  For I know the plans I have for You declares the Lord...Plans to prosper You and not to Harm You, Plans to give you a Hope and a Future
Jeremiah 29:11 NIV




  1. I am praying for your sweet James. In the name of Jesus, I ask that He, the Master Physician, will guide the doctor's hands and mind as he cares for this angel. All Glory goes to God for what He is going to do. Amen.

  2. Oh Jane, my prayers are with you, and James and hubby. With all your family. For James a successful surgery, and a speedy and painless as possible recovery. For hubby a healthy body to return to work. For James' parents, the strength to get through this together. And for you Jane, the glue that holds this family together. May God bless and keep you all.

  3. I will say a prayer for James,his family and the Doctors. He is such an adorable little boy. Blessings and Hugs to you, James and his family.

  4. Jane, you know ME and James are in my prayers solid. As are you, darling friend, as are you. Hugs!!! :)

  5. Prayers are being said for James and his doctors. I will be thinking of you all as you wait for the good news from the operating room.
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN

  6. Praying for little James, and for you all.
    what a precious little guy.
    Grammar Sheri

  7. Blessings and prayers I clasp in my hands, so when I give you a hug, it is all shared.

  8. Praying - for James, you, the family and the doctor.

  9. Prayers for all...and hugs too!!

  10. Oh Jane I will pray for James that the Lord guides the hands of the medical team at that time and will defiantly be lighting a candle at my church for him. Please keep us updated...

  11. That smile is just from heaven! He is always in my prayers! My dear friends niece had her cords done about four years ago and is straightened her out!
    I know what a blessing these little ones are and how a mother's heart aches to see her child in pain, but we do what we can because we love them!
    I have gone through four brain surgeries with my daughter and next year it will be her ankle (sounds like a very similar surgery) It never gets easier!

  12. My prayers go out Jane. To the Dr, to James and family.

  13. I will keep him in my thoughts. And you keep us posted!!

  14. Prayers for you and sweet baby James.

  15. Prayers for James and all of you- Keep the faith, and may God give you all the strength you need to keep on keeping on! Love

  16. Of course I will keep him in my prayers this year. Both of my babies had surgery last year and while neither was nearly as serious, they were still nerve wracking.

  17. I read that very verse yesterday in my devotions Jane - and I believe that whatever the outcome God will be in it. I have lifted him this morning and asked for your specific requests as well as peace for all of you who love him so much. And I'm praying specifically that your husband will be able to return to work! blessings, marlene

  18. Bless his little heart. It makes me sad to hear kids so young having to go through such scary surgeries. Sending good thoughts and prayers his way and to your family. I do hope your hubby is doing well and can return to work.

    Take care,

  19. I'm adding James (and all the family) to my prayer list - especially praying on Thurs.

  20. Sending my prayers your way...for all of you. May you have healing and peace, knowing that God always provides for us. Hugs!

  21. Praying for James and his family at this stressful time. It looks as of 2012 will be a challenging year for your family.

  22. Will be praying for James and your family on Thursday. May you feel God's presence and peace.
    Loved the video...such a sweet and happy boy!

  23. Prayers every day for your grandson, husband and family. Especially you, for calmness and peace.

  24. Dear Jane,

    All of our good thoughts and wishes will be with you on Thursday.

  25. Prayers going up from here as well...for wisdom on the part of the doctors, especially, to complete the surgery correctly, and monitor him so closely while under anesthesia. Your quilting friends are sending you big hugs. :)

  26. I'm SEW overwhelmed by all of your encouragement, thoughts, and prayers. Y quilting friends make my world a little brighter. I'm SEW glad to be a part of a group that cares about each other and reaches out in times of need. I love you all for taking the time to comment.
    I will keep you updated!
    Gmama Jane

  27. Prayers have been prayed and I will add this to my prayer list. God is good.

  28. My Dear Friend prayers have already been winging there way up to God's ears and I have asked many of my friends here in Canada to put James on prayer list. Know that I am here for you. Blessings Sandra

  29. Prayers being sent your way for strength in this next journey with James. God is great. Judy C

  30. Prayers for your little James. He and my son share the same name.

  31. Dear Jane,

    I WILL pray for your sweet grandson James, and for your entire family. May our good Lord fill your whole family with strength, and His peace & joy for this day-to-day journey you are on!

    Love & blessings to you in the New Year.

  32. I just popped in because I was jumping around blogs and saw your prayer request. I will pray for James and your family and ask my friends to pray tomorrow all day for him. He such a handsome young man. My David, my grandson I am raising, is 6. So I understand the nerves. The video shows he has had a lot of challenges but as a stranger it also shows the excellent medical care he receives. The doctor will be the best and God will look over your angel and bring he through with success. The video also shows he is very loved and a happy kid. I pray God Bless him with a successful surgery with little or no pain, increases his ability to walk unassisted and a quick recovery.


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!