Sunday, March 18, 2012

Prayer Request Sunday March 18th

This is the Day that the Lord Hath Made
My you have a Blessed Day
Gmama & Sidekick Scott.

Are those not the sweetest little "yellow floppy flowers" as my Sidekick calls them?
He pulled these from the back yard and by the time he made his rounds to the front porch where I was sitting, THIS is what the floppy flowers looked like!  Expressions of love, care, encouragement, concern, and hope are represented in my floppy flowers gift to you, my precious friends.  You are no longer to be called followers, you are my friends.  
This group of friends who meets with each other every Sunday has become one of the highlights of my week.  

I have received comments and emails through-out the week from readers of my blog who stop by yet seldom comment saying how much this list of prayer requests, praises, and words of encouragement mean to them.  One friend shared how her husband asks about our little group each week.  One family (one that we will never know personally) feels as though our prayers lifted them up during one of their darkest times.  One of the best comments was from a friend who said she had begun to have a prayer time prompted by our prayer requests and empathy for one another.  
Do our prayers matter to the Creator of the Universe?  You bet They Do!!
Prayer Requests Week of March 18th

Marlene B.
Her Brother-in-law has suddenly and inexplicably lost sight in his right eye.  He is going through some training to become adapted to his "new normal".  I can't even imagine how terrifying that would be!

Julie F.
Julie's grandson Ben, 10 yrs. old, is having unexplained seizures.  Tests are being scheduled.  Julie says Ben has endured lots of challenges in his short life.  Those of us with Grandchildren know the deep love we have for them.  Our hearts go out to you Julie and for Ben.  Let's pray for doctors to diagnose and find a cure for Ben.

Josie M
She reports her Aunt Rita and Uncle Ben are continuing to do well.  However, the news is not so good for her friend, Jennifer.  Jennifer's brain tumor IS cancer and will begin Chemo soon.  Two small children are victims in that they have to watch and worry about a sick mother.  We all know what a difficult road this young mother has to face.  She needs our prayers!
NOW...I'm going to tattle a little bit here.  It seems that Josie herself is in need of some prayers.  I went snooping on her blog and found out our Josie has not been feeling well along with some very disturbing symptoms that needs the immediate attention of a Doctor.  SO..after some well intentioned Nagging... Josie has scheduled a Dr.'s appt.  Good for you Josie!!

Jannette's mother is doing well despite having lung cancer.  She sounds like a fighter to me!!
However, her mother is burdened for a niece who lost her husband to lung cancer.
     Jannette's Dad just lost his Baby Sister to a surprise Heart Attack!  With NO WARNING!!
We Women don't have the same warnings as men, ladies!!  Did you know that most ALL medical and medicine research has been done with Men and not Women???  This is slowly changing but it will be some years down the road before significant data is available.
     This very same Baby Sister, Jannette's Aunt, was helping her daughter deal with the 12 yr. old daughter recently diagnosed with leukemia.  Can it get any worse???  Pray Hard my Friends!
Dawn T.
Requests prayer for her friend Jenny who had SUCCESSFUL surgery at M.D. Anderson Hospital in Houston Texas!  The cancer tumor had not spread and reconstruction went well and quick.  Pray for emotional and physical healing!!

Baby Max
He has had blood in his stool and Dr.'s are working hard to figure out the cause.  The most likely cause has something to do with milk protein.  Forgive me if I didn't explain correctly.  The family is hoping to have him home in North Carolina in TWO WEEKS!!

My Jeremiah 29:11 NIV Quilt
A work in progress
I'm still adding borders.



  1. I know God listens to all our prayers but the ones coming from this special group are a great comfort to me ... and I imagine those others involved. Thank you for including Ben. I hope there will be something to report by nnext week. He has had no further seizures.

  2. I'm sure everyone is warmed by all the thoughts and prayers from quilters and non-quilters alike around the world. I will be keeping everyone mentioned in my thoughts this week.

  3. All of these intentions will be fervently prayed for during the week!

  4. As we listen for God's voice and watch for His answers we will rejoice at His continued love for each of these, His children. blessings, marlene

  5. As always thank you so much for your prayers! I continue to pray for all of you who take the time to think about strangers and offer your heart to them! There really is kindness out there! Thank you!!

  6. I will be sending up my prayers for everyone :)

  7. Thank you for sharing all these prayer requests - they're being prayed for as I write.... and the prayers for our family are SO appreciated!
    LOVE your quilt - what a precious verse and promise!

  8. Those ARE the sweetest floppy yellow flowers! These are the best flowers to receive! :)

    Praying for your list. Your quilt is amazing!!! Love how you included the beautiful scripture...:)

    Blessings for a happy week!

  9. So happy that you stopped by and such a sweet comment about my kitchen! Alot of work but so worth it! We still have some things to do and finish but we take it a little at a time so that it's not so much work all at once!
    I hope your husband agrees with you to paint your cabinets, I think my husband is thrilled with how everything has turned out, of course he wouldn't come straight out and say it:)
    Praying for your list and hope you will pray for my sister Judy as she is going to have arteries in her neck cleaned this week. She is eleven years older than me and helped raise me when mom was sick when I was little, I feel that God directed me to your blog, thanks so much for stopping by♥


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!