Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sewing Day Chicken Salad

(I just now noticed that lone little chunk of celery on the cutting block.  Funny how you notice things in pictures After, but not Before you take them)
Have you ever made something that just hit the spot, made your lips smack, tongue curl, and found yourself wanting more?  That's how I felt when I made my fresh homemade chicken salad.  Oh yum, it tasted sooooo good.  But the best part, I didn't have to stop sewing to heat up the kitchen to cook supper!!  #1 husband was more than content with chicken salad on toasted sourdough bread with leaf lettuce and slices of tomatoes (pssst can't wait to have fresh garden tomatoes!) I threw in some homefries for my son who just happened to stop by to put data into my new computer from my old computer he so valiantly retrieved off the crashed hard drive.

As usual, food seems to have it's own silent alarm because around 6:30, the DIL flew in the front door in between picking up children on the Wed. night church van and then delivering the same kiddos home again.  She was past starved and all I had was the chicken salad.  DIL has said millions of times, "I don't like Mayo...it's just jar lard" and we all know that MAYO is the 2nd most important ingredient in chicken salad.
 Well, let me tell you, that little Missy sure did eat her up some major jar lard while scarfing down at least a pint of chicken salad ...not to mention the Plastic container FULL she took home with her..FOR THE CHILDREN!!??  Sure...Next day I asked the Grandpeeps if they liked Grandmama's chicken salad and their answer?.....  WHAT CHICKEN SALAD???
How's that jar lard working for ya now, my sweet little DIL?  Gotta Love Her!
Now there's TWO little celery chunks?  My chicken salad had babies!

Why not whip up some Homemade Chicken Salad so You can get in YOUR Sewing Cave?
Here is my recipe for A Lot of the stuff.  Cut it down if you want less but I'm telling you, you'll be glad you made more!


1-2 lbs. grapes (I like both red and green and lots of them)-cut in half
1 C. Chopped Pecans (more if you like)
1 bunch celery hearts (more or less depending on your taste but I like lots of crunch)
3-4 bunch green onions (chopped fine use just enough to flavor)
3-4 boiled eggs chopped fine
Sweet pickles plus juice (chopped fine and I used almost all of a small jar for this amount)
Mayonnaise (Hellmans or Dukes are my preference)

Boil whole chicken, cool, debone, deskin, 
Boil chicken breasts
I add onion, celery, and garlic salt, Crazy Jane's salt to the water for flavor and I save/freeze the stock for later recipes.
Chop up chicken fine or bigger chunks if you prefer. I do NOT like big chunks of chicken in mine!
Chop rest of ingredients and add to chicken (ALL EXCEPT GRAPES, Fold those in at the very last) and feel free to alter amounts or omit.  I taste as I go to make sure I have the flavor just right.  I'm a Hands On Cook!

Dressing:  This is where the magic happens.  The amount and ratio of mayo to pickle juice is going to be your personal preference.  I start with a cup of Mayo and pour some pickle juice in, stir and taste.  Pour this over your salad mixture, stir, TASTE, add more as needed.

 Chill at least 2 hours or Best Overnight for flavors to blend.

I'm making some TODAY, Wednesday!!  I plan to stitch on my front porch while Sidekick plays outside!  Let me know how your chicken salad turns out or if you have questions.  I'm not a recipe kinda cook.  I just add, taste, and usually never measure except for when I'm baking.

Some "Floppy Flowers" to make your day
Sidekick Scott calls these *Yellow floppy flowers*


  1. I love chicken salad, but without the grapes. I add celery and pecans and sometimes a bit of pickle relish. I also stay away from the hard boiled eggs. I save them for deviled eggs! Yummy. Last week, after a family funeral, we met back at my cousin's house. She raises chickens and had a platter of freshly made deviled eggs. The yolks were the bright yellow on the color wheel. There were so delicious.
    Bet your DIL would rather eat your salad than make it herself! You are a good soul!
    Beckie in Brentwood, TN.

  2. Thanks for sharing this wonderful recipe - it looks yummy - I think I will start with a cut-up rotiserrie chicken - love the flavor of those over boiled. What's for lunch - depends on who goes to the store. LoL... Sidekick sure is a cutie and those little hands holding the flowers is precious. Judy C

  3. Chicken Salad is a favorite here too. I don't usually make quite that much since I don't have my kids dropping in much but we love it. blessings, marlene

  4. Oh my word....Sidekick with his flowers is the absolutely best photo ....how precious. I want to kiss his sweet face.


  5. recipe looks delicious...and thanks for for your kind comments on my guild post too!!


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