Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Custom Ordered Apron
Brings Back a Custom Ordered Memory

 I may have mentioned this fact before but if not, let me remind you that my small arsenal of sewing skills were all learned in 8th grade Home Ec classes in the mid 60's...before computerized anything.  Heck, we were barely out of the pedal machine stage.  I make mistakes doing the most simple task.  To say the seam ripper is my friend would be the understatement of the moment.  True to form, I was having trouble reading and understanding the pattern directions for this apron when another wonderful memory came to mind...a "Mama" Memory.  I told the Taco Bell story last week and warned you I had more where that one came from.  Humor me please since this is Mother's Day Week as I tell another little story with my mother as the main character.

My mother used a "treadle" Singer Sewing Machine all the time I was growing up.  I used to watch her sew but the truth is my mother wasn't the best seamstress .  Her matra was "almost is good enough"!  LOL  She loved telling the story about modeling her dress back in High School (1930's) before the entire student body.  

It was the custom back then for the Home Ec students (all girls of course) to have a fashion show at the end of the semester and allow the girls to "model" their fashion creations.   Mama made a simple A-line dress with sleeves (long or short I don't remember).  All the girls were responsible for having tried on their dress before the fashion show and made all needed corrections.  The teacher had obviously  not checked my mother's dress prior to the show due to the shocked look on her face when mother across stage... head held high, mischievous smirk on her face, arms, shoulder and chest prominently jutting backwards all due to the fact that mother   had sewn the sleeves in backwards!!!

Mother's sewing snafu was one more opportunity for her to be the center of attention so when she strutted across stage with her arms projected awkwardly backwards, the resulting laughter was more priceless to her than having a perfectly sewn dress.  

Strange though...I never did know what grade mother made on that dress!  Funny how her stories conveniently left out certain important information.

BTW, the apron and bag-it are winging their way to *JULIE* who won in my recent Give-Away !



  1. I am very honored to be the winner! Thank you; they look beautiful! Can't wait! I love your stories. It may as well have been my mother too. :)

  2. Bravo for your little Mama! At least she had to courage to tackle something -I wonder how many of us might have regrets because we would not tackle something??? Plus, look at the wonderful memories -they are priceless and tie us all together as being simple human beings tackling our lives one step at a time.

    It would be nice if you gals could write these memories down & save them for your future generations.

  3. Do you have that dress? What a fantastic story. I love that she went with it!

  4. What a great story!! Glad your mom could laugh about it and enjoy her comic moment on stage. I probably would have cried.

  5. That is so funny. In my 7th grade sewing class we made a skirt. My mother reluctantly bought me the required three yards of cheap fabric. I still have some of it because when we had no money for kids clothes, I cut it apart and made dresses for my three oldest girls. There is a chunk of that cloth in many a quilt!

  6. What a hoot! It took me years to learn to laugh at myself, and my mistakes. Sounds like your mom "got it" right from the start.


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