Saturday, May 12, 2012


MAY 13TH, 2012
Today is a special day for those of us blessed to have children who call us mother.  We are doubly blessed if we have or have had a mother whom we consider a Proverbs 31 woman.  I am blessed in both departments.  To all of YOU, my faithful friends, I wish you a day of quiet reflection, rest, and JOY!
Please stop back by this week for some sewing projects for the granddaughter, some quilting progress, and lots more stories.  
To my three incredibly smart, intelligent, kind, and compassionate children,  Matthew, Mary Ellen and Anna Laura you are my greatest are my Oscar!

Matthew, you are my first child...the son I so dearly prayed for and wished for.  You have always been my sweet boy who has treated me with such respect every day of your life.  You have always lived a life of honesty, integrity, and loyalty. We've always shared special songs, special moments and long talks in the kitchen. I love you more than you can ever know!

Mary Ellen, you are my "old soul", the most like me, and my closest friend.  You have always beat to your own drum with a keen sense of who you are, what you want, and determination to go over, around or under any obstacle placed in your path.  These qualities have made you the perfect mother for James.  I love you more than you can ever know!

Anna Laura, my sweet baby girl...The Baby!  You have and always will make me smile, make me laugh, and make me PROUD!  Your million dollar smile tells the world that Anna Laura is in the House!  I love spending time with you especially since we share a love of sewing, crafting, and cooking.  I love you more than you can ever know!

To my Son-in-Law Josh, you love my daughter with all your heart.  You have kept your promise to her Daddy and I to take care of her, love her, and protect her.  You are a young man of great intelligence, quiet humility, dry wit, strong work ethic, integrity, a loving father and keen sense of responsibility.  You are my child by marriage and loved from my heart.

To my Daughter-in-law Jenda, I could not of handpicked a more suitable help-meet for my son than you.  You embody every value described in a Proverbs 31 woman.  You are a young woman of impeccable integrity, strong sense of duty, kind, loving, and your love of our family makes me love you even more.
You are my daughter by marriage and loved from my heart.


You are Braver than You Believe
Stronger than You Seem, 
Smarter than You Thin
 Christopher Robin

My Prayer for all my sweet friends who visit me here at Grandmama's Stories:

 A life well lived is documented by the number of stories that can be retold with a smile, a laugh, or a tear.   



  1. What a lovely tribute to your family. Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Oh Jane, you are truly blessed. Happy Mothers Day.
    On a side note, I became a great gramma on Friday. Hailey was born by c-section in the afternoon. A full 7 lb 7 oz. Gorgeous. I too am blessed.

  3. Happy Mother's Day, sweet friend!! Don't forget guild meeting on Thursday!! Promises to be a great program!! :)

  4. I hope you had a wonderful day with your family! I did too:)


  5. How beautiful Jane, thankyou very much for sharing with us. Blessings Sandra

  6. Oh, Jane, I'm all teary reading this. So heartfelt. Thank you for sharing. I have to be careful not to get too emotional...just lovin' on my two that love me, and praying for their brother to come "back home" to all of us. Happy, happy Mother's Day!!

  7. Awwwww Mamma! That was really sweet. Thank you so very much for loving me even during the times that I wasnt so "lovable" We are blessed to have you as our mother and friend. I Love you!!!


Blessings to all of you who have taken the time to leave your thoughtful comments. I read each one and hope you will come back often!